Oh my God! You're in love with him!

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You sat in the cafetaria across Ned. Your eyes were fixated on the door, waiting for Peter, "What is taking him so long?!" You complained to your friend slamming your hand on the table not so gently making MJ clear her throat while still focusing on her book.

You sighed as Ned placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "Don't worry (y/n), he would be fine. He knows his business." He comforted you, his 'business' meaning Spider-man. You glanced at the door one more time, then your watch and took a deep breath.

"Lunch is almost over!" You breathed out turning towards your friend and then turning back to stare at the door like it would spit Peter into the room. You were just about to give up waiting when you saw a familiar blue sweatshirt.

Your bestfriend walked in with the most beautiful girl in the whole school, Liz Allen. She was looking straight into his eyes as she said something to him making vague hand gestures. He waved at her and ran towards your table.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted, sharing his handshake with Ned. You smiled at him bitterly, "And here I thought that you were chasing some bad guys, getting your ass beat up." You whisper yelled at him as he sat in a seat beside Ned.

You saw his jaw clench. He had this stupid crush on Liz for a few weeks now and you had no courage to tell him about your crazy old love for him. Mainly because you didn't have the courage to face the consequences. "Calm down, (y/n). We were just practicing for the decathlon." He replied coolly.

You rolled your eyes and got up with your tray, muttering a quick see you to Ned and a 'bye' to MJ, you threw the remains of food into the bin and walked away to your next class.

At the end of the day, you waited for Peter and Ned in the ground as usual when you saw Ned walking towards you alone. Your eyebrows furrowed knowing where Peter went. Ned already engulfed you into a bear hug. You sighed, "Stark Internship?" You asked and felt him nodding on your shoulder. "I just wanted to talk to him." Your voice wavered slightly but you cleared your throat.

Ned never bothered to give his thoughts words but now seeing your bubbly self walking beside him in complete silence he couldn't help but ask, "You love him, don't you?"

"W-what? Love! No, no. That's ridiculous Ned! Come on, I don't love him!" You blurted out, seeing his expression change into a 'don't-even-try' look. You sighed and palmed your face as you blushed furiously.

"Oh my God! You're in love with him!" Ned gasped as he looked at you, "My two best friends are in love. That is so cool!" He squealed like a fangirl making you giggle.

"Wait, what?" You questioned as you realised what he just said. You eyed him as he slapped a hand over his mouth. "H-he, loves me? Peter loves me?" You asked.

He closed his eyes, sighing deeply before saying, "I mean, it's pretty obvious to everyone. Have you never seen how he looks at you?" He replied. Before you knew it you were in front of your apartment and waving at Ned as he went away.

The next day, you found Peter at his locker talking to Ned as usual. Only this time, you felt ten times more nervous as you walked upto them. How could he not tell you if he loved you? You tapped on the poor boy's shoulder and he turned around with an enormous smiled and hugged you. This time you noticed that he let it linger for a while longer which made your heart flutter.

You walked towards your class together as Ned said, "Hey, I heard about this really good café that just opened near Mr. Delmar's grocery, do you guys wanna go together?" You couldn't resist the offer seeing that you were a coffee freak so you nodded. Peter chuckled at your reaction but nonetheless agreed to the plan.

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