You guys suck!

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As everyone knows, Tom is horrible at keeping secrets. So having to keep one of the biggest secrets of all, your relationship, is a challenge for him. Luckily, you two have been together for almost a year now without any drama.

He couldn't help but hold your waist at times, or press kisses against your neck. Now of course you love the affection he's shows you, but you both agreed to keep things on the down low.

There was this one time you, Tom, Harrison and a bunch of his other friends were on live. You were all messing around and answering any questions people had. It was such a mess, you two almost got caught because of Tom's constant flirty innuendos.

Tom's had many slip ups, while you didn't have many. Fans and the media aren't that suspicious but close friends and family are. No matter how many times you tell them the two of you are just friends, they only shrug it off.

Now you and Tom were getting ready for the twin's 21st birthday. You couldn't help but be worried, there was going to be drinks and Tom plus drinks, isn't the best case for keeping a secret.

"I swear babe, if you slip up tonight," you murmur, fixing yourself up in the mirror of your room.

"I promise, I won't darling," he comes up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Right, then you take one shot and suddenly the whole world knows about us," you hum as he places his chin on your shoulder.

"Shut up," he huffs, placing kisses along your shoulder.

"I'm not wrong."

"I know," he sighs, "But how could I resist? Look at what you're wearing, love. I know I got you this dress, but do you have to wear this?" he whines.

"It's Valentine's Day, it matches," you refer to the red silk dress that hugged your body just right, "Plus the party is at some exclusive club isn't it?"

He nods, grabbing your hand and spins you into his chest, "True, and luckily it's just friends and family."

You look up at him chuckling and smile. He holds your face and kisses you gently, "You wouldn't have to worry anyways, I'm all yours," you say in between kisses.

On the other hand, your friends were more suspicious than you thought. Harrison, Tuwaine and the twins were all ready for the party, setting up at the club.

"They're totally fucking," Tuwaine snickers, organizing the alcohol.

"Dude," Sam rolls his eyes, "Not cool."

"Just saying!" Tuwaine raises his hands in defense, "I mean am I wrong?" he looks over at Harrison.

"We should test our theory, if they're dating or not," he shrugs, leaning against the bar.

"How would we do that?" Harry asks, folding some napkins.

"What if we all flirt with Y/n? If they're really dating, I bet you a million pounds that Tom would snap," Harrison smirks.

"That shouldn't be too hard to do," Sam murmurs.

"Easy for you to say, you've been crushing on her ever since Tom introduced her to us," Harry shoves him playfully.

"Shut up!" Sam groans.

Dinner came around and everyone was sitting together at a table. Everyone meaning you, Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine and the twins. Other family and friends were sitting at other tables.

"Y/n, I just have to say if you don't mind," Harry pipes up.

"Yeah?" you smile, sipping on some champagne.

"That dress looks amazing on you, it hugs your body just right," he says sheepishly.

You sputter on your drink, "Awe, t-thank you," you cough slightly, averting your eyes over to Tom who suddenly took interest in the conversation.

"He's not wrong, have you been working out lately?" Harrison asks, leaning on the palm of his hand.

You laugh softly, "Actually yeah, thanks for noticing."

"Can't help it," he shrugs. Tom places his hand on your thigh and you quickly put your hand on top in an attempt to reassure him.

"Your hair looks amazing by the way," Sam also chips in, blushing.

Tom's eye twitches and he looks down at his food, holding his tongue.

"Thank you, it must be Tom's conditioner I steal," you tease, trying to lighten up the mood and cut the tension.

"Wait what?" Tom whines.

"Nothing," you shrug, laughing quietly. Luckily, the out of nowhere compliments died down.

We were all talking about Tom and Zendaya, "Right, she's like perfect for you isn't she mate?" Harrison grins.

"Ah, I don't see her like that," he shrugs. You didn't mind though, you trusted Tom and felt no reason to be jealous or uptight.

"She is beautiful though, are you sure Tom?" you tease.

He rolls his eyes, "Very sure."

"Speaking of significant others," Sam says slowly, "Do you have anyone Y/n?"

"Nah, men are gross," you shrug, hearing Tom choke slightly on his food.

"That's too bad, I was going to ask if you wanted to dance soon," Sam pouts.

"Oh?" you flash him a tight smile, "Maybe next time."

"She's just trying to be nice, she'd rather dance with me," Harrison smirks.

You feel Tom's grip tighten on your dress and you squeeze his hand, knowing he's about to burst.

"In bed," Harrison winks, causing the rest of the boys to laugh. You roll your eyes, suspicious of all the boys at this point.

"Highly doubt that," Tom finally speaks up.

You look over at him worriedly, "Where have you been? You haven't said a word," Tuwaine snickers.

"Probably too distracted thinking about Y/n, I mean I don't blame him-" Harry shrugs until Tom cuts him off.

"I've been trying to keep my mouth shut before I go ape shit on all of you little fuckers," he snaps, "So would you all keep my girl's name out of your mouth because she's my girlfriend and unavailable!" he raises his voice, causing your jaw to drop.

The whole table goes quiet, tension rising. "Fucking called it!" Tuwaine bursts out laughing.

Harrison shakes his head, "We're not that dumb," he chuckles.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.

"We all wanted to know if you two were dating, because it's kinda obvious," Harry says.

"So we all decided if we flirt with you, Tom would snap," Harrison mutters, rubbing the back of his neck, "Which he did."

"We're also sorry if we made you uncomfortable in anyway," Sam says quickly. "It's alright," you wave your hand in dismissal, "I knew Tom would break at one point. He spoiled his movies, there's no doubt he'd spill about us," you giggle.

Tom groans embarrassed, "Sorry guys, I just. I didn't like how you were all up on her."

"You're good, mate," Tuwaine grins, "At least our theory is confirmed," You let out another laugh, shaking your head.

"You guys suck," Tom huffs rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

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