Untitled Part 2

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Lucifer sat in his favorite restaurant surrounded by three beautiful women. He was smiling, drinking and having an overall good time, but he was aware of everything going on around him. He had bought the restaurant to compliment his bar that sat at the top of the building. As much as he loved chaos this provided a calmer atmosphere and had proven useful with Los Angeles' elite.

He glanced up as two people entered the room and his smile grew wider. It was the handsome archer, and he had a woman on his arm that Lucifer noticed immediately. She was petite and blonde, and he had to get to know her.

He excused himself and made his way, drink in hand toward the front. This was his restaurant and they would be his guests.

Oliver led Felicity into the restaurant, his hand on the small of her back and his eyes moving around the room. The restaurant had been recommended by the hotel concierge and it was said to be three stars. However, he was always on alert. It was a continual bone of contention with Felicity because she was always trying to get him to relax.

He scanned the room as they approached the maîtres' d, but then he stiffened, and his eyes rolled when he heard a familiar voice.

"Well, well I don't believe we have met before." Lucifer ignored Oliver and walked right up to Felicity and took her hand. "Lucifer Morningstar at your service or for your pleasure, whichever you prefer." He leaned down and kissed her hand and Oliver looked on in surprise as Felicity blushed.

"Felicity Smoak." She smiled warmly and Oliver had to resist the urge to step between them and remove her hand from his.

"What are you doing here Lucifer?" Oliver spoke with a slightly annoyed tone. Lucifer glanced his way, but his eyes went back to Felicity.

"No green leather this evening? Oh, too bad. I personally like men in leather, or women. And if you want to throw in a whip, well who am I to complain?" His eyes twinkled as he threw a sexy grin to Felicity.

Felicity leaned toward Oliver and whispered loudly, "Do we know him?"

Oliver sighed, "He is the contact Constantine sent us to find."

Felicity looked back at Lucifer as realization hit her. "You're the devil? I mean Lucifer...I mean......you don't look anything like him.... the devil. Where are your horns? Not that you must have horns. Horns are not everything.... your just.... your handsome."

Lucifer realized quickly that not only was she beautiful, but also charming. His evening was turning even more interesting.

"I keep my horns for special acquaintances, and I have a feeling that you, Ms. Smoak, are very special." Felicity blushed even redder and Oliver growled.

"Please, why don't you two join me?" Lucifer swept his arm toward his table and snapped his fingers. The ladies that were there immediately left and he held out his arm to Felicity. "Shall we?"

She looked at Oliver and then placed her hand on Lucifer's arm as he guided them to his table. It was the best table in the restaurant, and as Oliver followed begrudgingly, he decided to see where the evening took them. Maybe they would get more information on the Soul Man's accomplice.

Lucifer held out the chair for Felicity and knelt in front of her and captured her gaze. "So, I am dying to know. What is it that you truly desire?"

Felicity felt her whole-body lock into place and immediately she spoke before she could stop herself. "A salmon ladder in the bedroom."

Oliver's gaze flew to her in shock and she sat back stunned. Did she just say that?

Lucifer sat back with a satisfied but curious smile. "A salmon ladder in the bedroom. Now that sounds intriguing."

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