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Lucifer walked confidently into the exclusive LA restaurant, his hand resting on the small of Felicity's back. He had picked her up a short time ago, and she looked beautiful. He knew she was not interested in him in a sexual way, but he was never one to give up on a challenge and this beautiful blonde was a challenge. The fact that she was not affected by his charm both baffled and intrigued him. He also had a feeling that the archer would be showing up at some point this evening. A small smile lurked around his lips as he led her to their table. This evening should be fun.

He held out her chair and then motioned for the waiter to bring his usual. He frequented this restaurant many times over the past few years and every single waiter knew him and what he liked. It was a perk of being the devil. You were unforgettable.

He sat across from Felicity and crossed his legs sitting comfortably back in his chair. The small blonde was looking around the restaurant with interest and it gave him an opportunity observe her. He could see how the leather clad Mr. Queen was in love with her. She was charming and had an innocent quality about her that reminded him of Chloe. Ok, he needed to stop that thought. The last thing he needed was to start thinking about the Detective.

"Mr. Morningstar...."

"Please darling, call me Lucifer." He smiled charmingly and Felicity blushed lightly.

"Lucifer. It seems weird to call you that. I mean that is the devil's name. The real devil. Like in the bible devil. Which I know you say you are him, but you don't look like a devil. You look more like someone who should be gracing the cover of GQ. Not that the devil couldn't be on the cover of a magazine. I am sure he could do whatever he wants." She finally clenched her bottom lip in her teeth. She really needed to quit babbling.

"Humans have had a misconceived impression of me for centuries. The fact that they think I am this red monster with horns and a forked tail is the manifestation of misplaced fears."

"Where did that myth originate?"

"It was drummed up by religious zealot's who worshipped my father."

"It had to be based on some type of reality?"

She was so curious this one, and very smart. However, he wanted to get to know her first before he just started spilling all his secrets.

"Tell me Felicity, why did you say yes to my dinner invitation?" He knew she was in love with the vigilante. Their feelings for one another were evident to anyone with eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you are in love with Oliver. I don't blame you he is quite delicious."

Felicity played with her napkin feeling a little nervous. Lucifer was unnerving. "We are together. But that does not mean I cannot go out with someone for drinks as a friend."

"A friend. I see. Is this how the friends with benefits starts?"

Felicity tried not to react to his question. She had a feeling he was trying to elicit a response from her. Thank god the waiter approached with a bottle of wine before she could respond.

Lucifer nodded to the waiter as he handed him a glass of wine and then set one in front of Felicity.

"Anyway, I have so many questions for you. I don't even know where to begin." She was going to change the subject. She gave him a small smile and then almost knocked over her glass when he placed his hand over hers.

"Ask me anything your heart desires."

God that smile! It was disturbingly charming. Felicity politely pulled her hand from his and then cleared her throat. What should she ask him first?

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