b e f o r e

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IT WAS A TUESDAY when I first met Georgina Smith.

It was the second day of the new semester of my third year and I was late for my Archeology class because I stupidly slept through my alarm. Ironically enough, the professor who was named Geller had started the lecture before I arrived so I quietly entered the room and took the nearest unoccupied seat. It was the seat beside Georgie.

She smiled at me, the idiot stranger who was late for her 8 AM class. But before I could return the smile, she had already focused her eyes back in front to listen to the lecture.

I stared at her profile—a small, slightly hooked nose, blonde bangs long enough that the ends almost rest on her long eyelashes, a few freckles scattered on her cheeks, and plump lips. There was a grace about her with the way she tucked her hair in her ear and how a tiny crease appeared in that spot in between her eyes when the professor said something. It was clear for all the world to see—Georgina Smith was beautiful.

"It's not what you have" were the first words out of her mouth the moment our professor left the room.

"It's what you are," I finished, smiling broadly.

She tried to suppress her laugh but ultimately failed. I found myself laughing along with this gorgeous girl who looked like a freaking Disney princess personified. A huge bonus that she knew her FRIENDS references. She offered her hand for me to shake. "I'm Georgina."

"Luna," I replied, still smiling. "God, Ross is my least favor-"

Georgina squealed, cutting me off. "Me too!"

And that has sealed the deal.

I don't warm up to people easily but Georgie and I became fast friends. Maybe it was because she exudes this light energy that made it easy for people to talk to her. 

While she's outgoing and friendly, I'm reserved and quiet. 

She has a smile that says I want to be your friend.

Mine says if you sit beside me it's going to be awkward.

But no matter how different we were we seemed to get along well. We started grabbing lunch after class and by midterms we were even hanging out on the weekends. We would get coffee in this quaint coffee shop outside campus and just talk. But mostly we studied—in the library, in vacant rooms in the campus, in her dorm room. We also studied in my apartment a few times.

By that time, Oli and I have already been roommates for about two years (see: I've been crushing on him for much longer than that). I've been learning a lot about myself. Like how I can easily train my eyes to stay firmly focused on his face when he talks to me—in his bare-chested glory—when he gets out of the shower.

Incidentally, those few times that Georgie and I stayed in, she didn't see a glimpse of Oli.

Until she did.

Boy was she smitten.

And I knew I was screwed.

I saw it in her eyes that rainy November morning she met Oli outside our building.

"Hey Moony, you feeling better?" Oli had asked after knocking twice before pushing my bedroom door open. He sat on the edge of my bed and put the back of his hand lightly on my forehead. I skipped class the day before because I got sick, probably because of the changing weather. It's been raining non stop for the last few days, and Oli had been playing nurse. "I found your friend downstairs. She's dripping wet."

"What?" I asked with a yawn as I tried to make sense of his words. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes so I can look clearly at Oli. He had obviously just come back from his morning run and he, too, was wet. Whether from perspiration or the rain, I'm not so sure. "What time is it?"

"It's breakfast time," he said. "I got you doughnuts."

My lips stretched into a big, appreciative smile before it got instantly wiped off of my face when I saw Georgie's smiling face peeking from my doorway. He followed my gaze and stood up.

"Hey," she called as she walked inside and stopped a few steps next to Oli. I rubbed my eyes again not knowing that this would only be the first of many times that I would see them side by side inside mine and Oli's house. "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead."

"Morning," I said with a small smile.

"Well, I'm gonna go," Oli declared with an easy smile. "I have class so eat your doughnuts and drink your meds, Moony. I'll check on you later." He gave Georgie a shy smile before turning away.

"Thanks, Oli!" I called to his retreating back. I pulled my phone from under my pillow to check the time. It was 7 on a rainy Saturday morning and I wish nothing more but a few more hours of sleep but that seemed to be impossible now. I looked up at Georgie taking in her wet hair. I stood up to get a spare towel from my closet before handing it to her. "Why are you here so early? Do you want to change out of your clothes?"

"I didn't know you live with your boyfriend," Georgie said, wiggling her brows and completely ignoring my questions. "He's so hot."

"Oli?" I asked in confusion. "We're not....he's not—why are you here?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"Georgina," I called in frustration. "It's seven AM. On a Saturday. Why are you here?"

"Rude", she replied frowning. "I was gonna give you my notes seen as you were not around yesterday. But I changed my mind."

I let out a sound of defeat, and apologized. She was just doing a good thing, I reminded myself. "Oli's a friend. We're just roommates."

"He is so hot!"

"You said that already." I rolled my eyes and plopped back on my bed. "You can just put the notes on my table?"

"Can I stay here today?" Georgina asked.

"Why? I'm not gonna be a good company today as I'm just about ready to die."

"Mhmm." She hummed looking over her shoulders to glance at the door. "Nothing. I just want to hang out."

"I may or may not be contagious. I don't want to risk you getting sick because of me," I reasoned. "And don't you have a class today?"

She nodded, "But not until later."

"I see but I'm really tired, Georgie. Sorry." I smiled weakly before letting out a series of coughs.

"You okay?," she asked in concern. "Want me to get you some water?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine. Just want to get more sleep."

"Right. I'm gonna go then."

"Bye Georgie, thanks for the notes," I said with my eyes closed. I heard my bedroom door click shut all the while thinking that Georgina went home. 


Wahey, friends!

Wow not only is this chapter v v late but it's also meh. Lol I don't want to write about Georgina because, well, you'll know soon enough. But I have no choice but to write about her otherwise the plot won't progress. 

I'm actually just planning 10 chapters for this story—5 each in Luna and Oli's perspectives. But I guess that plan is out the window now because I reached 6 chapters only in Luna's POV. God, help me.

Anyway, enough blah from me. Let me know how you guys are!! Also please comment and vote.

Thank you! Mahal ko kayo!

Gleng x

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