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Mark opened his eyes and realized that he was already on his bed, with Lucas sitting beside him. "Lucas.... Can I go to work now?"

"You still can't. You can't walk." Mark got up and tried to stand up but he really can't, he sat back down and sighed in defeat. "Oh, yeah. I remembered what happened last night."

Lucas stared at the younger before he spoke. "I'm sorry I was too careless last night."

"It's okay. I'm okay." Mark gave Lucas a reassuring smile, making the older worry less. "Why did you threw my mini closet to me?"

"It wasn't me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have flinched."

"No, no! If you didn't flinched, I would have been killed." Mark leaned at Lucas' shoulder, a cold yet comfortable feeling is a perfect fit for a warm morning. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Mark remained silent for a while, thinking what to eat or drink for this morning. "I actually want coffee right now." Lucas stood up and went on his way to the kitchen, he made a cup of coffee just for Mark.

What a funny twist, from a hideous and feared monster to a nurse, a life saver, a maid, and a friend.

"Here you go."

Mark happily accepted the coffee, Lucas was just staring at the younger, he was very happy but he didn't showed it. "By the way Lucas, can you even feel love?" Mark tilted his head, as he looked at Lucas who was slowly looking away from him. "I don't know what love was, Mark. Can you tell me what love is?"

Mark put his cup on his nightstand, took a deep breath, ready to explain what love is in his own understanding. "Well, love.... Love is a feeling that you can't escape, a feeling that can give you happiness, a feeling that can also give you pain." Mark explained with a smile, while Lucas was just staring at him, with admiration reflected in his eyes.

"Love can make you do everything even if it's wrong. Love can also change you, from right to wrong, from wrong to right, from fear to happiness, from anger to acceptance." Mark then looked at him, eyes full of warm happiness.

"How will you know that what you feel right now is love?" Lucas asked as he looked at Mark's eyes. The younger smiled at the question. "Love can grow everytime, everywhere and to everyone. It can even grow in the most unexpected situations. You'll know that it's love if your heart suddenly beats faster when he or she appears on your sight, when you can't sleep because you're thinking of that person all over again. When you didn't noticed that you changed when that person came into your life, when you feel pity on the bad things you'll do to him or her." Mark stopped for a while then smiled.

"When you can see the scary monster as an angel." Mark looked at Lucas' eyes with love and happiness, he now realized that he was in love with the older. "Why? Are you feeling that kind of feelings right now Lucas?"

"N-No...." Lucas lied, he actually felt those feelings Mark mentioned, ever since the first time he saw the younger's face. "Well, since I'm doing your favor, can you do me a favor too?"

"What is it?"

Mark took a sip of his coffee and looked at the older again after. "Don't love me." Lucas was confused, he was the one who supposed to say that.  "Why?"

"I don't want you to leave me. I don't know what to do if you're not around." Mark smiled widely and warmly, Lucas' heart beat faster and faster, even if he's dead he can still feel the tingling of the butterflies. "Why would I leave someone behind?"

"Well, they said that love is the key to forgiveness."

Mark leaned on Lucas' shoulder again, watching the view outside the window, the room became quiet but with a comfortable atmosphere.



"I didn't regret that I met you, I'm so lucky."

Mark smiled and closed his eyes, loving the smell of his coffee, and the presence of the older. "You are?" Mark nodded.

"Well, so am I."

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