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Mark felt the arms of the older and his lips placed on his cheek instead of his nails scratching or digging his skin. He thought that he would yelp and scream in pain until he dies but instead, he felt comforted.

"It's okay Mark, it's okay....."

Mark began to cry, he felt his knees and arms weakened, he released multiple of sobs from his mouth because he really thought that his precious life will be taken away from him. "I-I'm so sorry Lucas....."

"Shh, I told you that it's okay."

"I really don't want to tell you this since I love my life, but I realized that I love you more....."

Mark tightened his grip on Lucas' shirt, while Lucas was placing kisses on his head. "You're honest, I'm proud of you." Lucas held Mark's chin to make him look up and stare at his eyes. "And how could I steal the life of the man I love? You are my greatest treasure that I have." Lucas added as he gently pinched Mark's chin, making the younger giggle.



Mark bit his lower lip to hold his enthusiasm, looking at Lucas with pure love and joy. "I love you."

"I love you more, baby lion."

Lucas carried Mark back to his bed, since he saw him yawn. Mark will feel sleepy everytime he cries. "Go to sleep Mark."

"I will if you'll stay here." Lucas chuckled and laid down beside the younger, making each other comfortable. "I will, so go to sleep, I know that you're tired."

"But it's already morning." Mark whined but the smile was still plastered on his lips, Lucas can't do anything since the younger was right. "But you're tired."

"No I'm not."

"Okay then." Mark remained in his position, he was already comfortable in Lucas' arms. The were silent, silent but comfortable and good.

"Lucas, will you forgive them because I am a part and the remaining of their bloodline?"

"I'll try. But if I do, the only problem will be how to forgive myself for making me this way." Lucas sighed, his arms were laced around the younger's slender body. "Yeah, forgiving yourself is way harder than forgiving anyone else."

"Sometimes I blame myself for making major or minor mistakes." Mark added.

"So how's your foot?"

"It's fine, I think." Mark twisted his ankles to make sure that it still hurts or not, Lucas was happy that the younger was finally okay. "Lucas?" Lucas looked at him with curiosity. "When you leave here, will you still come back for me?"

Lucas let out a soft small laugh as he heard the question of the younger, like, it's cute, he's cute. "Mark, even if you can't see me, I'm always with you. I will never leave you."

"I know it sounds selfish, but I don't want you to cross to the other side." Lucas was confused, his eyes were glued on Mark. "Why?"

"I just don't want you to leave me."

"I already told you, I will never leave you. And when you can't see me around this house, don't be sad, it's not yet our goodbye." Lucas smiled with warm love, Mark also did the same while hearing the older's words.

"But i dont know what to do if you're not here, when you're not here staring at me with your red eyes, when I come back from work and find out that you were not here and your ghostly presence." Mark sighed and snuggled on Lucas' cold body, the older didn't cared, he love this kind of thing with Mark.

"What if you're the one that will leave?"

"This?" Mark pointed his finger on Lucas' face, smile was forming on his lips. "This demon? I will leave this demon? No!" Mark climbed on the top of the older, letting his nose touch the older's. "Thanks for saving my life by the way, for protecting me at all times, for taking care of me, for everything."

"Thank you for changing me. Thank you for existing."

Mark then connected his lips with the older's, and a few seconds later, he pulled out. "So, it's over?"

"What over?"

"The deal, about the killer thing."

Lucas wrapped his arms around Mark's body, still in their position. "Yeah, it's over."

"I love you, you crazy red eyed demon."

"I love you, you coward lion."

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