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Double update in celebration of Ego haha, make sure you check out the chapter before this one!

Double update in celebration of Ego haha, make sure you check out the chapter before this one!————————————————————

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"Why hello love birds, is it a coincidence that you're both late? I think not." Jimin teased as Jungguk and Misun hurriedly took their seat before the teacher noticed. They both rolled their eyes at Jimin's usual playful banter and pulled out the material they'd need for class this morning.

During the hour Misun's brain filled with knowledge she was sure she wouldn't need in her life later on. That's the perks of high school.

When class dismissed she gathered her things in her arms and waited for Jimin and Jungguk before the three walked out of class together. The whole way to her locker Misun's mind was clouded with the new information about Jungguk, and she was too distracted to notice the foot stuck out in front of her before it was too late.

But Jungguk was there, just like he said he'd be which did surprise Misun because she was fully prepared to fall face first against the hard tile floor in the locker wing. She dropped everything she was holding and she instead got a face full of Jungguk chest, her nose smushing painfully against his solid build.

"Ow!" She groaned, scrambling to steady on her feet and then rubbing her nose. When she looked around she saw people staring and her things scattered on the floor- and Misook, a look of fake guilt on her face.

"Minnie! I am so sorry! Here let me help you!" She gasped, crouching down to help pick up Misun's things. Jimin eyed her suspiciously and kneeled down as well, Jungguk staying by Misun with a protective arm around her waist to steady her. She tried to ignore the warmth of his arm and how safe she felt when he touched her, his large hand electrifying.

"That's the second time you've tripped me Misook." Misun glared.

"I'm so so sorry, I'm getting clumsier by the day." She laughed. Jungguk eyed her down like she was a nasty piece of prey and Jimin took her things from her hands after she stacked them all together, mumbling a barely audible thanks.

"If it happens again then you better watch out." Jungguk scolded. Misook just raised an penciled in eyebrow, a phony smile still tugging at the corner of her glossy lips.

"Or what Jeon?"

"If it keeps happening then it counts as bullying and I can report it. Along with Jimin as a witness. And last time I checked, our school had a very strict policy stating that bullying was simply not tolerated."

"Yeah," Jimin added. "And if I do recall, Misun's not exactly the average student. I mean," he shrugged, "major props to you. It takes some guts to bully the principal's daughter. How brave of you, maybe you should use that talent and stick you nose up somebody else's ass?"

Like he'd actually do anything. Misun giggled at the irony. Misook just glared at the smiling triplet and stormed off, dissatisfied with her lack of a comeback.

When she was no longer in view Misun let out a loud laugh, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she doubled over.

"Did you see her face?!" She cackled. "Oh man that was priceless." Misun sighed, wiping at the imaginary tears.

Damn it feels good to laugh. Stupid bitch.

She grabbed her belongings from Jimin and packed them away, missing the small high five that the two made behind her. Then she waited until they were both done at their lockers and walked with them to the commons where she'd have to wait in the office. It felt good to have two protective friends on each side, so good that she was sure nothing could ruin her day.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Jimin said, hugging Jungguk and Misun briefly. They smiled and waved him goodbye, standing awkwardly.

Uuuuuh does he want a hug or something what the fuck- awe he's blushing that's kind of cute. Wait no now my cheeks are warm damnit.

Jungguk shook his head at something Misun wasn't sure of and then reached out, pulling the girl towards his chest. He was probably a whole foot taller than her- Jimin being only a few inches- which made her feel all the more secure.

She held onto him maybe a bit longer than she should've and then pushed him away, telling him he needed to go home and do his homework. He just giggled, his cheeks squishing adorably as a large bunny smile parted his soft lips.

Misun smiled as she watched him walk out the door, feeling giddy when she turned around- and then she saw her father. He was standing there, his keys in hand.

All the color drained from Misun's face as her dad looked at her with that intimidating and piercing gaze.

"Home. Now." He said.


Jungguk please turn around because you forgot something

But Misun knew that wouldn't be the case and that her guardian angle was no where to be seen. Her punishment was already sealed and safety was far from reach as panic settled into her bones and forced her to walk out to the car, buckling herself into the seat with shaky hands.

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