fourty one

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Saturday morning Jungguk woke up with that familiar tingle in his hands

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Saturday morning Jungguk woke up with that familiar tingle in his hands. God he really wanted to punch something- to pop the living daylights out of it.

"I think I'm going to box today." Jungguk thought aloud. Misun yawned and looked up at him, watching with sleepy eyes as he pulled a bag out of his closet. "Yeah." He murmured as if it was a confirmation to himself.

"Okay." Misun said, remembering back to the conversation she had with Jimin. He really didn't have much time to himself, so she was gladly willing to give him some. "Don't hurt yourself too much."

"I won't. I'll take it easy today." Jungguk chuckled. He continued to pack up his bag and pulled a sweatshirt over the t-shirt he was wearing, giving Misun a quick peck to the lips before leaving. She smiled and took this opportunity to sprawl her limbs out on the bed, falling back asleep.


Jungguk grabbed his bag from the passenger seat and headed into the gym. He hadn't been here in a while, but stepping in and seeing the people at work, smelling the sweat and the machinery, reminded him of why he used to come here so often. it was a place where one could let out any troubles of frustrations without hurting anybody. It was therapeutic in a sense.

He set his things down beside a boxing bag that was suspended from a bar above his head by a thick chain, the silver reflecting the dim glow of the gym lights. He took time wrapping his hands instead of carelessly doing it like every other time. And when he brought them to the bag he thought of a few people, one of them being the "new boy".


Misun turned the hot water on and as it gushed from the shower head she got undressed and then hopped in behind the curtain. Mrs. Jeon had placed some girly products in there along with an extra razor and Misun was glad when she saw it in there since she liked keeping herself hair-free and smooth.

She didn't take a quick shower since she had no where to be at the moment, so she just stood under the running water in peace.


Jungguk got home later than expected. Dinner time was nearing and Misun was on the couch watching TV while Mrs. Jeon sang softly in the kitchen when he entered the house.

"Oh hey Jungguk." His mother said. He smiled.

"Hi mom. I'm going to go shower and then I'll come help you with dinner." He said. Misun's eyes followed him all the way up the stairs and she frowned, staring at the empty space where he knew stood before slipping into his bedroom.

"Weird." She whispered.

"I'm surprised he didn't attack you." Mrs. Jeon chuckled.

"Me too."


After dinner Misun headed upstairs while Jungguk did the dishes. He was rather quiet and it worried her a little, but she wanted him to come to her instead of pestering and needling him. He was his own person after all, and he could have his own secrets and thoughts, she just hoped he would talk to her if they were troubling him.

While in his room alone she decided to look around. She peered into his closet, taking a step in. It was quiet big, spacious enough for somebody to twirl around in the middle. And small little Misun fit in there perfectly.

She caught a glimpse of a small shine on the top shelf and she reached for it, knowing her curiosity would gnaw at her later had she left it alone.

It was a shard of glass. It looked like it had once belonged to a fancy tea set before shattering to pieces. It had intricate designs on one side, a bit of dirt dusting the sharp edges.

Why does Jungguk have this old thing?

As if on cue the boy entered his room and saw her standing in his closet, backlit by the light.

"What are you doing in there?" He said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Looking around. What's this thing?" She said, turning around. Jungguk saw what was in her hand and his features softened. He held his hand out and she walked towards him, placing the shard in his palm. He twisted it around carefully, a small tilt at the corner of his mouth.

"Take a seat." He said, patting the blankets beside him. "It's kind of a long story." Misun tilted her head in confusion and sat beside her boyfriend, hands clasped in her lap as she waited. "When I was younger, there was a boy who lived next door." Jungguk began.

"What was his name?"

"We would play together all the time." Jungguk grinned, noticing that she deflated a bit at his answer- well, the lack thereof. "Until he moved seventh grade summer. This shattered plate piece is something I kept so I woundn't forget him, because he was my best friend."

"Why a plate?"

"One day we went out to the old railroad tracks behind the school and saw a bunch of thrown out things. There was surprisingly a lot of glass, and us being little kids, we grabbed something to break them all with. One of the best nights of my life." Jungguk said. "He called me Kook, since he didn't pronounce my name correctly the first time we met. I called him TaeTae, you might recognize him as Kim Taehyung."

"No way..." Misun gasped.

"Yes way. He moved before I even entered high school and it's been years since. When he came to sit at our table with Namjoon I played it off. I wasn't expected him to do the same." He chuckled breathily.

"That's so weird... I was not expecting you two to already know each other." She laughed.

"He's changed." Jungguk said. Misun watched as a nostalgic look flicked in his irises. "At first I didn't even recognize him. He was a quiet boy and kept to himself when he wasn't around me. Even his voice is different, it carries itself stronger than it used to. And he never liked the idea of dying his hair or getting piercings, so for a second I thought he was just somebody who looked similar to him. But then he said something about his mother, and she's always been strict, so I knew it was him."


"The years have done him some good though." Jungguk sighed. "He looks handsome as ever."

"Yeah... he does." Misun whispered. "How come you haven't tried to rekindle your relationship?"

"We didn't leave it on good terms..." Jungguk sighed. He played around with the plate shard in his hand, debating on how far he'd like to tell this story.

"What happened...?"

"Have I ever told you about my first kiss?"

Hold the phone.


"Yep. My first kiss was, in fact, a boy."

"And it was with Taehyung?!" Misun gasped, eyes wide. Jungguk laughed at her surprise.

"Yeah. The day he was leaving was the day he decided to tell me and I was pissed. He figured the only way to leave on a good note was to kiss me."

"I can't believe it..."

"I punched him in the face." Jungguk snickered. "I don't even know if it's scarred over. Then again, we were young and I didn't have half the strength I have now."

"You know you have to talk to each other, right?"

"Yeah... I'm just nervous. He's changed a lot. I'm not sure if I want to be best friends with a different Taehyung."

"Maybe this is a better Taehyung."

"Maybe." Jungguk said. "We should head to bed now. I'm exhausted." He sighed, changing the subject.

"Yeah." Misun agreed. She backed up to the headboard and pulled the covers back so they could slither under them and he kissed her cheek, falling into slumber quickly. Misun's mind buzzed with the new story for hours on end and finally she wore herself out enough to watch the sheep jump over the fence.

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