Chapter Forty - Two

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The next two weeks flew by fast.

My grandmother's death had remained private. Only the Raven Angels knew about it, which made things easier. The funeral had been short and incredibly painful, but I refused to show it, terrified the pain wouldn't go away.

When I wasn't occupied by getting back to work, I was constantly aching for Tzuyu. Always needing her delicate touch.

After the incident with her mother, I wasn't sure she wanted me anywhere near her. But God knew I needed her, desperately. My grandmother's death had left me in endless pain, and I wanted someone to help me bear it.

Of course only I knew that.

A soft knock pattered at the door of my home office, causing my brows to furrow down. It was almost midnight.

"Come in."

As though it were a sign from above, Tzuyu appeared at the door in a long, silky, black robe.

"Why aren't you sleeping? Did you come down all by yourself?" I asked, admiring the wisps of hair that fell out of her loose bun, framing her fresh face.

"Don't worry, everyone's asleep, and I didn't feel like waking Jisoo or Jenny. I couldn't sleep, haven't been able to for a while."

That made the two of us.

She shut the door behind her, stepping further into the office.

I put aside the papers on my desk, giving her my full attention. "Is it about your parents?"

She fingered the spine of an encyclopedia on the shelf next to her, seeming fascinated by the texture. She was making me inexplicably nervous.

"What else could it be about?" Then she abruptly changed the subject. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

I pretended my heart rate didn't go up a notch. "I've been busy. Getting back to work and all."

"Mmm." She reached up on her tiptoes to pull out a slim spined book from the top shelf. I took the split second opportunity to watch how her round ass gently jiggled when she dropped to the heels of her bare feet. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and even if she was it was barely holding anything.

A cold sweat began to trail down my spine. "D-did you want something?"

"Yes." She blew over the cover of the book in her hands and opened it. "Have you always been fascinated by turkeys?"

"What?" I asked, trying to calm my pulse when she turned to me.

She raised the book and showed me the title on the cover. Turkeys Should Be Man's Best friend. It wrote.

"I'm not even sure where that came from." I laughed nervously and wanted to shoot myself.

"I see. You look tense, Sana. Is everything alright. Do you need a massage?"

"No I don't need a massage."

"Looks like you do." She went round the desk, approaching me.

My mind was chaos, my heart a series of uneven beats.

Her wonderful scent hit me and I wanted to die. How did she always smell so good?

She went behind my chair, bravely laying her palms on my shoulders as she gently squeezed. "So tense." She leaned into my neck, audibly inhaling. "Why do you smell so delicious all the time?"

I laughed, a low and husky sound, amused and unbelievably turned on.

Her fingers worked into my shoulders, nearly making me moan.

"If only this shirt could come off, I'd give you the full time massage experience."

"The shirt stays... " My voice sounded foreign and weird. I had to clear my throat. "The shirt stays on," I said more firmly.

She giggled quietly. "I prefer what's underneath."
Her soft hands began to confidently slide down my shoulders. My breath rushed out when they grazed my chest, hoping above everything else that she hadn't noticed the extent of my arousal, even with a sports bra on.

Her exploration continued down, over my ribs and stopping at my abs, tracing the ridges with her finger.
"I want this shirt off so bad. You work out so much, it'd be a shame if I didn't see the result of all your hard work." Her voice pleaded in the most seductive tones I'd ever heard.

"Tzuyu... " I warned, already reaching the edge of my control.

"Mmm?" Her fingers brushed the waistline of my sweatpants. "Did I tell you I love it when you dress up in these? They make me warm... and wet."

That did it.

I grabbed her hand and yanked her around my chair, the action causing her right leg to fly over my body. Her thighs fell on either side of my lap, straddling me against the chair.

I pulled her closer by her ass, making sure the apex of her thighs came closer to my crotch.

My eyes zoned in on the covered source of the heady scent of her arousal, my mouth watering.

When my eyes rose to hers, it was clear to me she was starting to have second thoughts. She was on the verge of a panic.

"Oh no, baby, we're finishing what you started."

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