Chapter Fifty - One

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Tzuyu's Pov

I was barely a few minutes into my sleep when I felt the sheets being pulled off my body.

I moaned against it, drunk with sleep and furious that someone would have the balls to disturb me when I finally manage to doze off. 

I'd spent two hours of baking with Nico and Jisoo—who I'd bet had better things to do. And then a couple more hours of twisting and turning in bed. Later on deciding to take an unnecessary shower that relaxed me enough to go to sleep. 

I was emotionally and physically exhausted. 

Soft plumps lips pressed against my neck and my next breath took in that familiar spectacular scent. Like a bolt of lighting had struck me, I jolted awake, immediately recognizing the feel of that beautiful athletic body pressing into my soft one.


I was just in time to see those panty-wetting eyes before they lowered to my breast, my bare breast. I'd been too exhausted to take off the bathrobe after my shower. Hence, easy access to what lay buck naked underneath.

"I know I'm a little late for dessert, but I promise you'll go back to sleep right after," she said, her voice low and husky. She parted the rest of the robe that covered my lower body. Her hand went straight for the kill.

I gasped just as a sob made its way up my throat. 

"Sana." My voice cracked, tears blurring my vision even as I spread my thighs wider for her to slip in a second finger. My back arched off the bed, a deep moan escaping my throat. "Sana—"

"Shhh, don't think about anything else but my hands...and my mouth." As soon as she said that last word, her head came down and she took in a diamond-hard nipple into her wet mouth.

"Ah!" I lifted my hand and dug my fingers into her hair, pressing her face into my needy breast. 

She sucked hard on the nipple until I was writhing under her. Her fingers were still in me, not moving. 

I was beyond desperate now, the wetness gathering around my scorching core almost unbearable. "Please fuck me, Sana," I begged.

She released my nipple with a 'pop' and looked down at me with blazing eyes and smiling lips. "I wanted to savor what I almost lost but if you say that one more—"

"Fuck me," I said breathlessly, skitting around the brink of near madness. 

She didn't waste a second however. Before I could take my next breath, my legs were over her shoulders and her long strong fingers were thrusting into my dripping tightness. 

"Yes! Just like that. It feels so good," I purred at her, gripping both my breasts as she repeatedly hit that delicate spot within my walls. 

When our eyes met in the heat, I started to convulse out of the blues, no warning of the fierce oncoming orgasm. 

But she immediately pulled out.

I was close to cursing her to hell when she defly spread my thighs and without hesitation, dropped to my quivering center. My eyes rolled back when she gave my clit a luscious lick, and then started to suck.
As if that wasn't enough, her fingers were back, slipping right back in and massaging their favorite spot. I'd never felt so good in my life. 

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