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Nat finally can come back to the avenger house.

"its so good to be back at home i miss my room" said nat.

"hey nat you i will make you some soup right now and now you better go to your room and take a rest" said Steve

"okay i will take a rest steve "said nat


"hey wanda what is the ingredients to make a soup for nat" asked Steve.

"its easy Steve just find it online or just ask Friday " said wanda.

Steve is cooking the soup that google told him to do . After he finished making the Soup he go to nat room.

"hey nat i just finished the soup "

And then nat woke from he sleep

"ah steve thank you so much honey "

While eating the soup nat phones rings

"hey steve can you see who is calling me " ask nat

"yes sure " said Steve.

"its yelena " said Steve

And then nat is shook because she thought that yelena is dead.

"what steve please dont mess with me" said nat.

"no im not joking " said Steve

And then nat answer the phone.

Nat :hello?

Yelena :nat this is me, please help me!

Nat :what?

Yelena :nat please help me! help me!

Nat :where are you?!

Yelena :i am in the-- aaaaaaaaaaa!!

nat hear yelena screaming and than the phone hang up.

"omg steve! she is in danger! i need to fine her right now " said nat.

"ok nat relax! we will find her together" said Steve.

"ok!  I want the four of us go" said nat.

"i want you ,tony and clint to go with me! " said nat.

"ok i will call both of them to come here "said Steve.

And then they prepare there and hope to queenjet.

"Hey steve can you tell what are we doing today " said clint.


Steve :"hey clint, tony i need you to come to the avenger house and bring your stuff because we're going to go on a mission. "

Tony:"ok I'll be there in 10 minutes ".

Clint :"where are we going steve".

Steve :"i explained everything later ".


"were going to find nat sister" said steve.

"i thought nat sister is dead" said clint.

"how do you know that clint" said steve.

"hey steve i know nat longer than you now her " said clint.

"guys can we just concentrate on this mission!!! "said nat

"so i need you clint to search for yelena and find where is she"said nat.

"got it nat" said clint.

Captasha love story ❤ [HAITUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang