the birthday party

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Nat come back to her room

'Gosh i almost got caught by them tonight i will talked to him and tell Steve that i like him' in nat mind

At Steve's room

"Today is my birthday im 100 years old do you think that nat will like old man like me" said steve to bucky

"I dont know but if she love you than she will definitely love you the way you are Steve" said bucky

"Ok then i will tell her that i like her" said steve

Before the party

Nat, wanda, valkery and papper go shopping at the mall and the guys   are at the house getting ready.

"Guys i need to look good tonight" said nat to the girls

"why?" said pep

"i need to impress Steve so he could like me" said nat

"okey than!"

so they tried so many dress's and heals and nat died her hair in to platinum blonde they come home.

When they arrive at home the house was already ready for the party and at 10 pm they will star the party now is still 9.21 pm so they all get ready and wait till the party begins.

At 10 pm

The party has just started  and there is so many people here and Steve was looking for nat and then nat ,wanda, valkery and pep come out from nat room and Steve see nat and his eyes just cant stop looking at her nat is wearing a white strapless dress and Red heels.

"Lets star the party now!" said tony.

So they dance and sing , cut 100 cake that tony ordered

and tony said "who will you give the first cake to?"

and Steve answer to the most "beautiful woman here natasha romanof "

and all the members of the avenger clap there hands, and nat was so shy and then she came to Steve and said

"wha-what is this steve?" ask nat

steve replies "i love you from the beginning that i met you! but, i was afraid that you didn't like me... so now on my birthday i will said this"

steve take a breath for a second and "do you want to be my lover nat?"

and nat said "YES!! i always love you but i never brave enough to tell you"

so they kiss. all the members was shook and also clapping there hands.

So steve shout i will lose my virginity with this woman that i love because i am still a virgin.

After the party Steve "said nat would you like to accompany me at my room" and nat answer "what will we do" and steve said "what ever you want"and so nat said "ok"
and they both go to steve room and they have the best night of there live and also steve lost his virginity.


Captasha love story ❤ [HAITUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang