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"Hey are you alright "said steve

"Yeh I'm alright. I'm just thinking about our next mission "said nat

"Dont think about it to much "said steve and then he kiss nat on the chickbone

"Lets go downstairs and gave a breakfast "said steve

And then they got downstairs and have some breakfast with the full avengers team

"So how is the sandwich guys" ask wanda because she made the sandwich

"Its good wanda. But i juts need more Bacon in mine "said tony

And then wanda with her Magic suddenly in tony sandwich is filled with more bacon

"Thanks wanda "said tony

"Sure"said wanda

And then they all continue eating ther food and suddenly the bell ring and thats mean that there is a mission and then in seconds they all suit up and ride the Queen jet and got to the shield base and meet furry


"Whats the mission "ask steve

"I have 5 mission for you all today so I'm going to separate you to 5 team "said furry






"So team 1 will go to the North Pole and destroy the hydra base there. And the team 2 will go to New York and destroy the new hydra base . Team 3 will go to the Pacific Ocean and destroy the hydra base there. And then team 4 will go to Nigeria and destroy the hydra base there and last team 5 will go to South Carolina and destroy the hydra base there and after you destroy the base you will take the 1 billion dollar diamond that they stole and kept there so you secured the diamond and then destroy the base "said furry loud and clear

"So when will we start "ask nat

"Tomorrow "said furry

"Ready team "said furry

"Ready "said all the members

And then they all left the building and got home and they all separated to teams and discuss the mission and get there things ready

The next morning the all woke up so early in the morning from the time they used to wake up after they were up they all get ready for today important mission it's one of the most hardest mission that they all have to do.

"So right now lets get to our own jet and go to our places that we have give yesterday "said tony

"Ready team" said steve

"READY " shout all the members

And then they all go to there own team jet and they started to go one by one, they use the new jet technology were there jet can be invincible and can't be see by anyone.

And then they started to go to there own place and start to attack and finish there mission fast and Quick because they have to come back quickly.

And then after there mission are over and then they come bacm to the avanger base .

As they arive to the avenger house they did not know that they are attack.

After they all seat at the sofa and then suddenly a granate is trown to the middel tabel of the living room.

"GRANATED"Shout nat.

And then the explosion heppend and they all are attack by hydra.

With out any preper they all fight to the dead they are only number of 18 people ans team hydra are number of 500 people and they are now start to fight.

"AVANGER ASSAMBEL"Steve shouted and they all start to fight.

They all started to fight ruoghly and some are shoot and then they all are so freeking cool at the same time.

After litterly 2 hour of fight finnaly all of the hydra team are all dead and the avangers once again win the fight.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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Captasha love story ❤ [HAITUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang