The Waitress From The Whiskey?

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Nikki's POV:

I tried to run after Jordan but she ran away too fast. I sigh. She was really fun to talk to. Plus she's like really hot so that's an instant bonus. She's not like any woman I've ever met before. The way she talks, it's like she's ahead of her time or something.

"Hey dude." Tommy comes up to me like a little jack rabbit he is.

"Hey T-Bone." I nod back.

"Where were you last night man? We were looking for you. We were gonna go to the strip club." He sits down next to me.

"Hey Sixx and Lee! Ten minutes till we gotta get set up for the interview!" Doc yelled through our dressing room door.

"I was...uh..well I was out with a chick." I stammer for some reason. Women is a topic me and T-Bone has no trouble discussing. We always talked about fucking chicks and going to strip clubs. We absolutely loved them. But I don't know what it was about me and Jordan's little 15 minute date, it sparked something up that I can't explain.

"Oh shit?! Even though you're still with Vanity?" Tommy furrowed his brows.

Shit. I forgot about her.

"Uh yeah." I look down. I don't know why I feel so ashamed. I've cheated on chicks bunches of times. Not that I'm actually proud of it, I'm just being honest. Vanity isn't going to ever be my wife. She thinks so but I try to get away from her as much as possible. Our "relationship" is toxic. I mean she only feeds my desire to put love into a spoon or a line on the table. I only really let her sleep over if she's got anything I can shoot up or snort. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

"Well what's her name?" He looked at me.

"Jordan." I state.

"The waitress from the Whiskey?" Tommy shoots his head up.

"Yeah...." I nod.

"Ohh yeah. She's a babe." Tommy laughed.

"That she is. Ready to go do another interview?" I ask getting up.

"You know it." Tommy gave me his same ol' childish smile.

Jordan's POV:

Next up, we talk to the bad boys of rock n' roll about their new up and coming tour with Whitesnake. But first, let's watch their new video: Girls Girls Girls.

I watch the small TV above the bar next to Sarah. My cheeks go red a touch as I watch Nikki in the Girls Girls Girls video. I remember whenever I was getting ready, I would listen to this song to feel better. I don't know what it does to me but it makes me want to strip. In which I guess is kind of the point.

"God, Tommy Lee is so fuckin' hot." Adrianna said coming up to us girls.

"Yeah. He is. Although I bet Jordan doesn't think so." Sabrina smirked behind us.

"What?" Sarah looked at me.

"Oh you guys didn't see? When Jordan took her 15 minute break...Mrs.Bigshot over here went on a date with McDonald's." Sabrina snarled.

"Oh my gosh! You did?!" Adrianna exclaimed.

I felt so embarrassed. "Uh. Yeah?"

"Oh my god! Tell me everything!" Sarah squealed. The look on Sabrinas face was priceless. Obviously their reaction was what she didn't want. I haven't been working here long and I already hated the bitch.

"Well I was working with Duff on the floor and he said hi and asked me if I wanted to go eat so I waited until my 15 minute break." I explained.

"Did y'all kiss?" Adrianna sounded like a teenager.

"What?! No!" I laughed.

"Nothing at all? No hug or anything?" Sarah leaned forward.

"Well no. But we held hands." I shrug.

"Oh. That's sweet. What did you guys talk about?" Sarah replied.

"Just getting to know each other. He said he wanted to get to know me better so we just told each other the basics." I smile.

"Oh my gosh! Jordan's going out with Nikki Sixx!" Adrianna yelled causing Duff to look our way.

"Shhh! People will hear you!" I giggle. "Plus me and him only been on one date."

"Honey, I know that but something about you must've caught his eye. Mötley Crüe has been coming here for years and not once did they go out to eat with one of the waitresses." Sarah shook her head giggling.

Not once? What the hell is it about me that's so special? Plus it's 1987 so he's with Vanity. I remember reading that they dated from '86 to '87.

"Well don't get too excited. He's probably in it for sex. I mean it's Mötley Crüe for Christ sakes." I shake my head.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Anyways we got tables to clean and bottles to fill so let's get to work before Hank chews our asses out." Adrianna says walking away.

I smile at the thought that none of the Crüe boys have asked the waitresses out before. It's almost shocking. They were addicted to drugs and girls. Why wouldn't they ask the girls out? What the fuck does Nikki Sixx see in a girl like me?

Duff came up to me. His hair teased ridiculously and eyeliner smudged around his eyes. "Hey J"

"Hey Duff. How are you?" I turn towards him. I've never realized how tall he truly was until he was actually standing in front of me. Hawt.

"I'm good. What about you?" He smiles.

"I'm okay. Just working. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just I heard you went out with Sixx last night." He smirks.

"Oh uh. Yeah." I look down.

"Sixx is a cool dude. We've partied a couple times together." He explains.

"Oh yeah. He seems really cool." I nod in agreement.

"I know you don't know me that well but I'm just looking out for a friend. Please be careful when it comes to him. He can get very-"

"Duff come to the back to do stock!" We heard Hank yell.

"What was that?" I furrow my brows.

"He uh- Nothing. I gotta go. I'll see ya later." He laughs nervously.

"Oh okay. Bye." I wave slightly.

I wonder what he was going to say? I hope it wasn't anything negative. I know it's only been one date but I could tell I've already wanted to hangout with Nikki more. But then there was something about Duff that made the color in my cheeks become more vibrant. God what the hell is going on?

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