One- Admired

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You glance up from your book, the coffee shop you were sitting in was familiar, it was always busy, with friends catching up, or new relationships being made from first dates. You had always wanted to have your first date here, it was where you came to relax, it was familiar, you had come here almost every day for the past year, the most cozy of places.
Now, you look up from your book to a commotion on your left, someone had spilled their drink and had accidentally broke the cup. You thought of how many times you've spilled your coffee on yourself because you were too distracted. By the waiter. Ken. You knew his name, just like you knew everyone else's. After all, you came here all the time, so you knew all the employees' names, and likewise, they knew yours.

"Here's your latte Y/N" shaken out of your thoughts, you glanced up at a familiar face, he smiled as he placed your drink on the table.


"My pleasure" he did a small shimmy as he walked away

See, it was the little things that made you notice him, the glimmer in his eye as he sang along his favourite songs playing in the shop, or the skilled way his hand moved as he prepared coffee for the customers.
He was charismatic, and you love that about him, he always knew how to make others around him smile.

"Good book?"

Startled, you looked up, you realised that he had turned around instead of going back behind the counter.

"Why yes, it is" You loved this book, but it was a cheesy romance.

"Tell me about it, I want to read more, and you look like the best person to recommend a good book."

You hesitated before answering, the book you were reading was almost like an unrealistic romance, a girl meets a guy in a cafe, and they fall in love.

"Y/N? are you there?" He pretended to knock on your head like a door, turns out your hesitation had been too long

"No, I'm Y/N"

He grinned, I take it from the silence you don't want to tell me, but you've been reading here the whole day, it must be good."

You shoved the book in his hands.

"Read it for yourself"

"You're not going to tell me anything? No review? Nothing?"

You shook your head

"Okay I'll read it, but you have to read one of my books of my choosing too."

You were up for any book, anytime

"Sure, what's it called?"

"I have it at home, I forgot what it's called though, I have to look at it again" he thought for a second

"Remind me to bring it"

"Sure thing! I love any book so I'll be eager to read it"

"Great, I'll get it to you tomorrow" he turned on his heel to walk back to the counter

"It's a good book, I promise" you called after him

He gave you a thumbs up
Why were you like this? You were so awkward around him, why did you just shove the book towards him? It was a small interaction, but you already got so flustered.

Looking down at your watch, you realised you should probably get home, as they were closing soon, so you scull your latte and packed up your things and started walking towards the exit.

"Y/N wait" Ken called after you


"How about you come over after my shift to get the book with me?"

He was inviting you over to his home? This was not an opportunity to be turned down

"I'd love to"

This was going to be an interesting afternoon

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