Sudden Noise

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(Sabine POV)

I was sitting on my bed, pondering what my next piece of art should be, 'Ah-Hah!' I thought to myself 

"I Should draw Zeb being chased by that weird droid he brought to Chopper Base that one time," then I heard my door open, I looked over to my left and it was Ezra looking sad, as usual, he had never been the same after confessing about the base on Ryloth. 

"Watcha want Ez?" 

"Oh, um... I was just wondering if you wanted to come out to the practice range with me? You know... the random one we found out near the cliff."  The young Jedi asked

"Uh, no sorry, I'm more in the mood to paint instead of shooting at the moment," I replied truthfully, 

"Alright," He sighed, I didn't want him to be sad, but right now I didn't feel like it.

 He left the door and as he walked out I heard him say 'Yeah... maybe I should' I didn't take note of it I thought that he was just talking to someone that I couldn't hear. It was... odd, getting used to the 17-year-old not being the cheery, clumsy boy that he used to be, he has even stopped doing the occasional attempt to flirt, he just meditates, train, and sits in his cabin staring at blank walls, Hera would always try to comfort Ezra, saying that he couldn't do anything against the torture of Thrawn. God, Thrawn... what a bitch.

(Ezra POV)

After I had gotten back from the target range and had gone into my room to meditate, I just started to break down in tears, there wasn't even Zeb there to comfort me he was out on a mission and had gotten injured pretty bad and is in the medical bay. It seems like no one heard my cries, probably for the best who would want to comfort me?

 -You're a useless soldier - A terrible padawan - You always get your friends hurt - 

A voice always rings in the back of my head, I think I'm just starting to believe it.

(Sabine POV)

I was outside Ezra's door, I wanted to go in and talk to him, but he hardly opens up, but a noise escapes the room, and it is as if a cold breeze grabbed me from running in, the noise was him loading his gun, I break free of the breeze and burst in the room.


I tackled him against the wall

"Sab- Sabine... Sabine, why did you stop me," he said, I looked him in the eyes, 

"Ezra, I can't let you-" 


Of course, Kanan and Hera had woken up and Chopper was going nuts over the sound of Ezra yelling.

(No POV)

"Ezra what's going on?!" Yelled Hera

"Hera, it's Ezra, he tried to-" Sabine all of a sudden couldn't breathe,

Sabine was lifted into the air grasping at her throat being unable to breathe, Kanan slid into the doorway in time to see Ezra's outstretched arm and bent fingers, his eyes were flashing yellow. 

"Ezra stop!"  Kanan Ordered, Ezra dropped her to the ground, she started spluttering.

"She... she stopped me!" Ezra cried 

"Stopped you from what?!" Asked Kanan,

"From making the galaxy a better place," Ezra said as he straightened his fingers out to push Sabine into a wall, knocking her out instantly. "But now... I have the chance again," Ezra said as he used the force to pull the blaster into his hands.

"Ezra what are you doing?!" Hera cried, on the verge of tears, he raised the gun to his head, but Kanan pushed his arm with the force as he pulled the trigger, the bolt hit his torso.

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