thirteen; silver flasks

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The past few days George had been giving Daphne flirty glances in the hallways when they passed. He even sat with her at the Slytherin table for lunch one day. Daphne was happy to see he was showing signs that he was actually as attracted to her as she was to him. 

The Yule ball was that night and Daphne and Paisley had woken up early that morning to start preparations. The took their usual seats in the dining hall for breakfast.

"You going to eat?" Paisley asked as she grabbed an apple from the bowl in front of them. They seemed to be the only fruits left at Hogwarts as all the other ones had gone out of season and apples were the only ones that seemed to no be bothered by the colder climates.

"No, I don't want to be bloated later tonight," Daphne said pulling our a small sealed vile. Placing a few droplets in the water in front of her and taking a sip.

"What's that one?" Paisley asked grabbing the beaker from Daphne and looking for a label.

"Beautification potion, I altered it to make skin appear clearer and hair to appear longer, only take two drops they last 24 hours," Daphne informed her. Paisley placed a few in her water as well then returning the container.

"You are one smart girl Daphne, Merlin I would hate to be your enemy," She giggled.

"Come on let's go, we still need to do our hair," The girls got up and went to the front doors of the great hall to descend back to the dungeons. 

"Daphne," a voice sounded from behind her. 

"George, hey what's up," She greeted him, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

"Can't wait for tonight," He grinned pulling a bottle of fire whiskey from his inner clock pocket.

 "That'll be fun, I look forward to it. Meet me here at eight tonight?" She asked nodding to the bottom of the stairs that lead up to various corridors along with the Gryffindor common rooms.

"Sure sounds good, I'll see you later then." Paisley and Daphne walked back to the Slytherin common rooms.

"You think you're going to hook up with him tonight?" Paisley asked.

"Paisley!" Daphne slapped her arm, "don't talk like that, it's not proper to speak about such topics in public."

"But are you going to?" She asked again, persistent on the subject.

"Maybe, I don't know. If he wants to maybe, I don't even know if he's like that though," Daphne wanted to but she didn't want George to think she was only interested in him for such shallow reasons as a hookup. At first she was but after getting to know him for the past few days she was interested in him as something more than just a boy toy. She actually enjoyed hearing about his dreams for the future. He had so much ambition you could say he would do well as a Slytherin, but of course his brave heart lead him to Gryffindor.

"Oh please, what kind of boy wouldn't want to be with you," She said playfully.

"Whatever," Daphne opened the door to their shared room. "Okay so we can do hair first, then makeup, then get dressed, then pregame."

"You have some whiskey?" Paisley asked.

"No," Daphne pulled a bottle of clear liquid from her trunk. "Christmas gift from my mom, from St. Petersburg."

"Vodka?" Paisley questioned observing the bottle. Vodka wasn't common in England. Most drank fire whiskey as it was the only alcohol that was strong enough and easily obtainable. Daphne and Paisley weren't usually reckless enough to get tipsy on school grounds but with the exception of the Yule ball Daphne figured lots of other students would be doing the same.

 "It's good, tasted poor but does the job," Daphne said snatching back the bottle and filling up two metal flasks and passing one to Paisley.

She twisted the top of taking a sniff and immediately pulled back, a sour grimace traced her face.

"Lets start," Daphne said dragging Paisley to the washroom. 

The girls spent the next few hours doing each others hair and makeup. They played their music too loud and danced around taking occasional swigs from their metal flasks. Paisley wore a long dark gray lace dress. Unlike Daphne, Paisley had a womanly figure. She had curves and was more full-bodied. Her dress clung the her like a second skin. Daphne slipped on her dress. Upset she didn't have the same assets as Paisley but at least her dress made it seem like she at least had some cleavage. Ordinarily Daphne was quite flat-chested. Her dress fell perfectly to the floor as she stood up in her heels. Not dragging on the floor to much but not short enough to see her feet. 

"We look so good," Paisley slurred her words as the girls looked at themselves in the mirror. 

"We do don't we," Daphne smiled. "Ivan's going to be all over you tonight."

"Same for you and George, make sure to leave early or else all the good spots will be taken," It was common knowledge with dances like these that if you are planning on hooking up with  a guy if you didn't get out of there fast enough after it starts winding down that you would end up having to go back to his dorm, and that was not an option for either of the girls. Most couples would use broom closets, abandoned classrooms, or even carriages. 

Daphne looked to the clock that was standing on Paisleys desk. "Its almost eight," Paisley informed her. 

"Let's go," Daphne dragged her out the door.

A/N: This chapter was actually really fun for me to write. I feel like it helps give a feel to Paisley and Daphnes friendship. Also Daphne is starting to warm up a bit, I don't usually write anything other than non-fiction so this is a little hard for me but I also love it at the same time.

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