five; triwizard tournament

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 A few days had gone by and all of the Hogwarts students were looking forward to the arrival of the other schools

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 A few days had gone by and all of the Hogwarts students were looking forward to the arrival of the other schools. Daphne couldn't even deny her excitement. Maybe there would be some interesting girls at Beauxbatons that shared similar hobbies, she would finally have someone to speak to in her native tongue. She had awoken earlier than usual to prepare herself for the introduction, she wanted to make a good impression, that meant perfect makeup, hair, and freshly ironed clothes. She, for one was lucky Kitty didn't have hair. Most girls in her house thought it was rather odd that she had a cat with no hair but it was quite convenient, her clothes were always clear of fur, and people allergic to cats wouldn't react around Kitty.

She fumbled around with her green and gray tie until it looked good, slipping on a pair of her platform Mary Janes. She walked out of the Slytherin common room feeling to cold breeze that always found its way down to the dungeons. She always sacrificed her own comfort for the sake of a good outfit. Her new skirt and scantly buttoned shirt shouldn't have to be covered by the awfully heavy robes that were required in the first few years of her schooling. It didn't matter then, as young Daphne hadn't yet gone through puberty. However now it would be an injustice for her to cover up her toned yet slim body. She didn't go through all that dieting for nothing and she was proud of all her hard work.

 She sat at her usual spot at Slytherin table just to arise as a commotion began outside in the courtyard. She walked outside to see the carriage of which the students of Beauxbatons would arrive in, students gasped as they caught sight of the magnificent giant winged horses leading the carriage. She turned to the black lake where the sails of a grand ship began to emerge from the water. Tendrils of dark inky water falling from the wooden decks of the giant pirates ship.

"Everyone inside," Daphne and the rest of the students turned to see Professor McGonagall ushering the students inside. Daphne followed taking a seat back at her table. Just as all the students were all seated the door burst open. Beautiful girls skipped down the central aisle, twirling and leaping gracefully. Daphne watched envious of their uniforms, if only she went there. She pictured herself in one of those silky blue dresses. 

"Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress Madam Maxime," Dumbledore announced kissing the awkwardly large hand of a giant woman, in which she presumed was the headmistress. The Beauxbatons girls took a seat at the Ravenclaw table at Dumbledore spoke again, "and now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang, and the high master Igor Karkaroff," 

A series of boys marched into the great hall, twirling their bo staffs and striking them into the ground, sparks flying up as they did flips down to front of the room. Durmstrang was known for their dark magic, Igor Karkaroff was a known follower of the dark lord. The boys of Durmstrang took a seat at her table, one sitting next to her. 

"Hello beautiful," he spoke in a heavy northern accent. "My name is Aleksandar," he held out his hand for her, Daphne placed her well manicured hand in his. His touch was cold and if Daphne was being honesty not very pleasing.

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