one; back to hogwarts

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            Daphne Martin was not one to be talkative, or  rather responsive at all

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            Daphne Martin was not one to be talkative, or  rather responsive at all. She sat there in the passenger seat of her moms new car, the sleek black leather warm under her pleated skirt clad on her legs. The scent of the brand new leather interior filling her nose in an almost intoxicating way. So strong it gave her a headache. The car wasn't really even her mothers, she had bought it just for the occasion of the butler driving Daphne to Kings Cross. Extravagant as always.

            "Daphne, your mother wanted me to let you know that the family will be spending this Christmas in Thailand, she wants you to stay at school over the break," Gustav, her mothers new driver admitted. Daphne stared out the  frosted window barely giving a nod of acknowledgment back. The crackling sheet of ice that slowly melted off the window providing much more entertainment to her than the conversation that way painfully one sided. She didn't care to much that she wasn't seeing her family over the  winter break. She could buy all the presents she wanted anyway with their money. Her family was filthy rich, like so rich that the Daphne' kids, and their kids, and their kids, and many more generations of Martins wouldn't have the even think about working. They were  the definition of old money in the wizarding world. One of the few pureblood family's left and although she wasn't like the others with their alliance to the dark lord they did hold the old belief that they needed to keep their bloodline pure.

              "We're here," Gustav quietly announced waking Daphne from her thinking trance, he walked her all the way through the station and to the pillar where he left her. She was alone and surrounded by too many people, too many muggles. All rushed and pushing past her, most muttered to themselves, incoherant and small minded thoughts. The cart he had been lugging around was pilled with her Louis Vuitton leather trunks and placed at the top was the cage for her sphinx cat. It beady eyes meeting her as is meowed almost reminding her that if she didn't get a move on she would have to share a compartment with other people on the train.

            "Alright, fine," she whispered under her  cold breath. She walked briskly toward the brick pillar closing her eyes in the chronic fear that maybe it wouldn't let her through despite her success every year before. When she  hesitantly reopened her eyes she was met with a new bustling train platform. People running back and forth saying their last goodbye's to loved ones. Tight embraces and motherly lectures a common occurrence on the platform. She never truly understood the emotions every one felt when they left their family, when she departed from hers two weeks earlier she couldn't care less to even say a word to anyone when she left. Her parents were too busy to notice the disappearance of their daughter anyway.

            She walked down the thin aisle, tight compartments packed full with first-years and other eager looking students that were a little too excited to be reunited with their friends after summer break. She eventually found one that was empty towards the end of the train. She raised her trunks with her glossy black wand and tucked them away in the shelves above the cushioned bench seats. She grabbed  Kitty's cage and let her roam free in the small compartment. Some time later she had lost herself in her new issue of Witch Weekly. Her long manicured fingers working through the glossed pages of the magazine.

            "So what, everyone knows they can't bloody score," Daphne looked up from her magazine to meet the gaze of two identical red haired twins and another boy. "Hope you weren't saving these seats for anyone," One of the ginger twins spoke out, his voice deep. Daphne shook her head as they sat down and placed their trunks in the over-head compartments rather roughly. The twin that spoke to her first took the seat next to her as the other two boys sat on the bench across. 

            "Hi, I'm George," the one next to her stated, a big grin on his freckled face as he held his large hand out for her to shake, she shook it lightly retracting her hand quickly. Daphne hated physical contact with people she didn't know well. It was one of her many odd idiosyncratic behaviors.

            "I'm Fred," the twin across from her informed "and this is Lee," he said pointing with his tumblebug at the  dark skinned boy sitting adjacent to him, his hair was rather messy, done up in the muggle style she believed to be called 'dreadlocks'. Daphne nodded in understanding, she had heard of the Weasley twins before, not only were they the school pranksters but they were also one of the few pureblood families. Not that they were well respected one's because they weren't. Her mother often spoke about the Weasley clan with much distaste. Daphne's auntie Bellatrix, who wasn't really even her real aunt since the two weren't related had much more hateful things to say about the particularly red haired family.

            "What's your name," the boy named George questioned making direct eye contact with Daphne, she looked away and gazed at Kitty instead, who was trotting around the compartment and scratching at the carpeted seats. She much rather preferred staring at her rather ugly cat than looking deeply into the chocolate eyes of someone she barely knew.

             "Daphne Martin," she said softly, continuing to scrutinize the hairless cat. Not waiting for their response, or maybe she was too shy to be in a conversation she got up grabbing the black tote bag which held the dark Slytherin cloaks she was to change into before getting to school.

            By the time she had changed into her painfully gothic uniform the compartment was empty and the Hogwarts Express was coming to a slow stop at Hogsmeade Station. Her ride to the castle was filled with thoughts about the new boys in which she had met shortly before. She wasn't too happy about giving them that much thought but when your life was as uneventful as Daphne Martine's such a small occurrence like meeting someone new was big enough to occupy her thoughts of the rest of the night.

A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for reading, hope your having a wonderful day. Don't forget to vote and comment (if you want to ofc).

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