twenty two; loyal servant

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Daphne stood at the edge of the railing, where she had spoken to Draco the day before. She knew he was here, Voldemort. She could feel the sharp tension in the air as  several servants ran through the halls, keeping their heads down as if that would save them from the wrath of the dark lord.

A cold hand ran up her arm and stopped on her shoulder, giving what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze. Bellatrix had treated Daphne like her own since she was young. She was Draco's aunt but she was always showed much more favoritism towards the young girl. 

"Daphne dearest," She greeted in that horribly irritating voice of hers. Daphne had not heard it in such a long time she had almost forgotten the scratchiness of it.

"Auntie Bella, what a pleasure to see you again," Daphne greeted the aged woman, it had been a long time since she had seen the her. The last time they had been together was when Daphne was a young child, not knowing of the horrible acts the witch was responsible for. "Mother had told me you escaped, though I tend not to believe things until I've seen it for myself."

"Oh you've grown so much girl, the dark lord will be very pleased to have you as a loyal servant," Bellatrix grinned, revealing her crooked yellowing teeth, that honestly looked more like fangs than actual teeth.

"Of course, it is a pleasure to serve under the dark lord," Daphne said trying to sound pleasant. There was no way should could escape from this. George likely hadn't gotten her letter, her parents track everyone who comes and goes from the manor, even if she could apparate, her parents would know.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Draco told me last night that he felt you were wary to be marked by the dark lord," Bellatrix said turning to fully face Daphne. "It is understandable you are frighted, Voldemort is the most powerful wizard to exist, by do not worry Daphne dearest, it only hurts for a second, then you shall be marked with his symbol forever. If it makes you feel better Draco will go first."

"Reassuring, thank you Auntie Bella, I must go prepare myself now, mother told me we are to begin soon," Daphne said as she turned and retreated to her bedroom.

Her dress was cold, the sheer tulle that was wrapped around her legs did nothing to combat the cold breeze that ran through Martin Manor. The dress was a little two extravagant for Daphne's taste. Of course she loved everything high end, and she had an appreciation for fashion but the dress seemed to be a little out of place among who she would be congregating with that night.

"Are you ready Daphne," her mother asked appearing out of the shadowed doorway. 

Daphne nodded keeping her head down, she couldn't look her mother in her eyes. Not after what she decided for Daphne. This night would change Daphne's whole life, who knows what George would say when he found out, if he would even want to be with her still.

"I found that note you were going to send to that boy," her mother said in a cold voice. "You should know better than that," Edith grabbed her arm yanking the girl closer so that she could look into her eyes. A snarl came from the woman's mouth, "how dare you, the opportunity I have given you is a blessing, you will not ruin this with your silly teen romances. You don't even know that boy or his family. They are mudblood sympathizers, his father thinks we should live together, share our world with theirs."

"I'm sorry mother, it won't happen again," Daphne choked out, her throat tight with fear.

"It better not you know what happens to blood traitors in this house hold, I don't care if he is pureblood, he is in support of the boy who lived, there is nothing worse than what he supports," Edith sneered as she tugged Daphne down the hallway. Putting on a face of indifference when they turned into the ballroom, where Daphne was to pledge her life to Voldemort.

He stood in the middle of the room, next to Bellatrix. He looked the same as her parents had described him, tall, with a fleshy bald head and a deformed face. His tall stature was hidden under the layers of flowing dark robes he wore. Standing round the room, against the wall was the faces Daphne knew to be death eaters, some she knew well like the Malfoy's and some she had only heard of. 

Daphne stood next to Draco watching as her mother retreated behind Voldemort, the dark mark already present on her exposed arm, as well as her father's.

"Daphne Martin," Voldemort hissed. His voice was so deep it commanded her attention. She could feel the dark energy radiating from him.

"My lord," Daphne bowed her head in respect. She had heard from her father that he had a short temper and she definitely didn't want to get on his bad side today. 

His deep red eyes skittering across the room, he stared down at Draco and Daphne who now had their heads lowered, a sign of respect. 

"Kneel before me," He hissed stepping closer to the two. The creak of the floorboards were the only sound that filled the silent room, it was like not even the death eaters dared to breathe in his presence.

Daphne's had never moved quicker, her knees hitting the floor in a light thud. The hardness of the cold floor on her boney knees causing a sharp pain. Draco shook lightly next to her as the dark lord yanked his arm, tugging back on the left sleeve of his black suit. His pale skin almost the same color as Voldemort's wand that was now pressed into the skin of his forearm. Dark tendrils of what looked like ink travelled along the inner part of his arm, a painful hiss coming from Draco as the boy bit his lip, trying to hold back the tears that threatened the spill. After the ordeal was over Draco retreaded to the other side of the room where his parents stood, hiding behind his mother.

"Now you," Voldemort called, looking down at the girl who was still kneeling before him. 

"Yes my lord," Daphne said as if she had rehearsed it thousands of times before. She held out her left arm which had its sheer sleeve rolled all the way to her boney elbow. The sharp sting of yew-wood wand was the only thing she could focus on, the white pointed tip pressing into her skin with such force as she could feel the power of the dark mark flow through her as it etched its way across the skin of her forearm. White hot pain stung her skin, it was almost unbearable as she bit down on her lip, no doubtably drawing blood. 

When the pain dulled she opened her eyes to see the hateful inky mark that was now permanent. A skull with a snake slithering from its mouth, the notorious symbol sent an ice cold chill through her veins as she retreated to her parents.

"My loyal followers," Voldemort started turning to face the gathering of death eaters that stood behind him. "You allegiance through the past years has been admirable, while the faith of others has wavered, you have remained strong in your servitude. It is now time my loyal subjects that we finish what we started so very long ago, I feel we are close, the time is near. The boy will be defeated."   

A/N: Hi everyone, sorry I don't update all that frequently. April went by so very fast, I feel like March lasted two months and April lasted two weeks. Anyway thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment.

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