Chapter 5

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Lyrian sighed and turned to see a laughing Eowyn run past her followed by several laughing children. Lyrian chuckled. It was not often that you saw anyone in the kingdom laughing anymore, things had changed so much so that the sound of laughter was almost foreign in the dismal fort. Several women turned in the direction of the children, surprised almost that there was laughter at all.

Lyrian brushed the hair from her face and followed in Eowyn's direction. The past five years had taken their hold on the kingdom, and on those who lived inside. Many who had family elsewhere were leaving to escape Grima's wrath which was widespread and foul and hung over the kingdom like a dark cloud.

"Amis!" she called to the young girl, now just beginning to grow into a young woman.

The young girl turned, her eyes were red as if she had been crying for days, "What troubles you Amis?" Lyrian asked.

The girl looked up to the woman before her, the woman who had been her guardian angel since she was born, the woman who she almost trusted more than her mother.

"I had a dream last night," she said softly, her breath shaky, "the world was dark, so dark that I could barely see the outlines of the great hills. An evil mass of darkness was covering the land, sweeping everything away and left in its trail, destruction, and death. I saw an eored galloping towards it, swords raised as their war cries echoed across the plains. I saw my brother, his eyes shone with fire as I have never seen. I called out to him, I do not know what came over me, but I wanted him near me, to protect me from the evil. I reached out to him yet when my hand was close to his, he turned to dust, his eyes sad and lost," she looked towards Lyrian with fresh tears in her eyes, "I think my brother is dead," she said so softly Lyrian barely heard her.

Lyrian unsure of what to do or say, drew the girl in close, "It was but a dream," she said softly as the young girl wept in her arms, "There is always hope that he still lives."

Amis wiping her eyes pulled away from Lyrian with a sad smile, "Will there ever be a time when we no longer have to live off hope?"

Eowyn ran up to Lyrian slightly breathless but her cheeks were flushed with mirth, "Scouts have seen riders in the distance!" she said excitedly carefully gauging Lyrian's reaction, "They are still several leagues out, but should arrive within the afternoon. Do you think my brother has decided to return?"

Lyrian smiled, though it was a shallow one, at the young woman's bright disposition, "One can only hope," she said dramatically, "his lordship has not paid a visit to his dear sister in over three years. I would say it is about time he stopped to see you."

Eowyn rolled her eyes, it was not quite the response she had hoped yet, for now, it would have to do.

"Riders!" a voice called, "Riders of the Mark approaching!"

"Quickly!" exclaimed Eowyn grabbing hold of Lyrian's hand, "you would not want Eomer to see you in that!"

Lyrian looked down at her worn brown dress. She avoided dressing in costly gowns as much as possible and she had no idea why it would matter at all what Eomer would see her in but followed Eowyn nonetheless. At times such as this, it was best to simply follow the young woman than try to resist.

Eomer stormed through the gates of the fort. Firefoot leading the rest of the eored, head held high and stomped the ground into submission with each stride. The rest of the eored followed in a thundering of hooves before coming to a stop at the foot of the hill. Eomer looked up to the Hall hoping to see either his sister or Lyrian, but saw no one. Not even Theoden and his trusty dog Grima.

Eomer slid from the back of Firefoot who stomped restlessly and tossed his head. Eomer gently stroked his nose and looked around the usual bustling town. Usually, upon his return there was a crowd of people waiting to welcome his men home, now there were only a few wives greeting their husbands, overall the town seemed deserted.

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