Chapter 7

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"Get your hands off of me!" Lyrian seethed trying to twist her way out of Grima's guards' hands.

Edoras had fallen completely under Grima's control; none were loyal to him, yet with Eomer gone and Theodred dying, there was no one left to contradict him. The people of Rohan were unable to stand against Grima as his temper was quick to turn and his punishments were never reasonable. Lyrian had been trying in vain to escape from Grima's careful watch to find help, yet with each attempt, she was always caught.

The maids throughout the hall scurried out of the guards' path, looking towards Lyrian. She was their last hope, and every time she was caught, the people of Edoras felt their freedom slowly slipping away.

These looks were not lost on Lyrian, she felt every pair of eyes on her, and the disappointment each held. She struggled in the guards grasp once more but it was no use, their grip, as much as she hated to admit it, was too strong.

"I can physically walk on my own thank you!" she seethed, there was no way she would be able to escape their grasp, she rebelled in any way she could, even if it was simply with her words.

The guards simply laughed, "Grima is expecting you, we would not wish for you to lose your way...again," the guard growled, the woman they were currently escorting would run if she was given the slightest chance.

With a simple nod, the door to her room was wrenched open and she was roughly thrown in.

Lyrian stood quickly ready to defend herself from Grima; she could not see him, but he was certainly close, he would not miss this opportunity to demonstrate his control over her.

"That is the third time this week you have attempted to run away," sneered a voice from the shadows behind her bed, "tell me Lyrian, when you manage to escape, how do you plan on finding him? He is leagues away if he is not dead already."

"He is not dead!" she said forcefully, not allowing that thought to even enter her mind.

Grima chuckled emerging from behind her bed, "You say that with such conviction, yet you cannot help but realize the possibility that he has perished-"

"Unless Eomer's body is buried with his kin, he is not dead!" she said even more forcefully than before, "and until I am dead, and buried with my kin, I will never stop trying to get away from you," she growled now looking at him straight in the eye.

Grima smiled darkly yet he knew that the fiery woman that stood before him now was not one to be taken lightly.

"I do not envy the man that will be stuck with you in marriage," he said slyly, in order for him to get his way, he needed to be careful.

"I do not see how any woman would be able to stomach looking at you for more than a day."

"Ahh but there you are wrong," Grima smiled evilly, "Lady Eowyn and I will marry in a month."

Lyrian looked at him in disgust, "Eowyn?" she yelled, "How could you?"

Grima only smiled, "She will not be as disobedient as you, and I know she will make the most charming wife."

Lyrian felt her world crashing around her; Eowyn would surely die if she were forced to marry Grima. She could not allow Eowyn to marry for any reason other than love.

Grima chuckled at the conflicted look on her face, he knew that his plan had worked; Lyrian was too noble. He slowly turned away ready to leave her to her thoughts.

"Wait," she called softly just as she reached her door, "take me instead," she said slightly louder.

Grima remained with his back towards her, "My dear, I do not quite understand," he said with mock surprise.

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