Part II Chapter 5

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Lyrian gripped her reigns tightly, there was so much smoke in the air, she had no idea whether it was day or night.

"Steady!" Eomer shouted to his eored as the horses began to grow restless.

The horns at the front of the column blew as the vast number or horsemen crested the last hill overlooking Gondor. What they saw took their breath away. Thousands upon thousands of orcs covered the great fields before Minas Tirith, so much so that the ground was black. There was no distinction between one form to the next. It was simply a swarming black mass of snarling forms. The once white city lay in ruins, smoke belching out of its levels and the red haze of flames masking any sign of white. Narzgul flew above the flaming city terrorizing anyone who still remained alive.

Both Lyrian and Eomer's horses were stomping in anticipation as they rode towards Theoden at the center of the riders. They could already smell the blood that lay on the fields. Lyrian looked to Eomer, for the first time actually feeling fear at the battle that lay before her. Eomer met her gaze, his eyes filled with sadness that he had not been able to spare her from this pain. He gave her a comforting smile, one which she returned, but it did little to ease her fear.

Theoden growled and turned his horse to his men.

"Eomer!" he called galloping towards the two, "take your eored down the left flank!"

Eomer nodded, "Flank ready!" he called as he and Lyrian galloped back to their place at the front.

"Gamling!" Theoden continued, "follow the King's banner down the center. Grimbold! Take your company right after you pass the wall. Forth and fear no darkness!" he bellowed motioning for them to take their places.

He turned to face his men, noticing the slight fear in all of their faces, but he would not have it. He would not have his solders riding into battle with fear in their hearts.

"Arise!" He bellowed galloping back and forth in front of his men, "Arise riders of Theoden. Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!"

Horns blew again as the men shouted to their king. Lyrian took a deep breath feeling her resolve strengthening. If this was to be her end, fighting alongside Eomer, she would not do it with fear. She pulled her helmet down, making sure it was snug.

The soldiers at the head of the columns lowered their spears as they readied their charge. Lyrian gripped hers tightly, her hand slightly sweaty yet she felt comforted by its presence. Theoden charged across the front of the men, running his sword against all the spears.

"Ride now! Ride now!" he called as he continued across, "Ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! DEATH!"


Lyrian felt the answer from the riders behind her, the shouts for death echoing even across the dismal field before them.


Lyrian repositioned her hand on her spear, she was ready.


This time Lyrian's voice entered the mix of the thousands of other voices behind her.

"Forth Eorlingas!"

The horns at the head of the lines sounded as the army began to walk forward. With only a slight nudge Lightfoot moved forward, her beautiful head tossing as she could feel the enemy grow closer. Lyrian let her have her head, and as Lyrian and Eomer broke into a gallop, so did the rest of the eored.

Arrows were cast into the paths of the charging horsemen and yet while several fell, their horses screaming in pain as they collapsed, the war cries of the Rohirrim only grew louder.

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