With April arriving, the weather got slightly warmer, and tourists could be found everywhere. Seokwoo was always in his best mood when it was April. No one knew why, but his students always used this to their advantage in order to slack off. Unfortunately, his high spirit didn't help those unlucky girls who were trying to confess their love to him. They failed miserably. At home, things were more peaceful and making noises wasn't prohibited anymore, leading the apartment to become chaotic once again.
Seokwoo happily walked in the usual Cafe, and even the long line didn't get to affect his mood, he looked down at his phone, checking his mail. After he got his usual Americano, he made his way to the company. He was one of the last people arriving at the meeting before it starts, once he stepped in, his eyes landed on Violet who was waving at him happily. She wore a sky blue top, and just like last time they met, her hair was tied up in a ponytail. "Hello there," she said as he walked over to her and sat on his chair. "Hey," he said, placing his coffee cup on the desk and opened his laptop.
He watched her take a sip of her coffee and carefully place the mug back on the table. "You look beautiful today," he said but covered his mouth when he noticed he said it out loud but to his surprise instead of screaming hentai she smiled "thank you, you look handsome," she said and then turned to the person next to her who just asked her something. He could see her ears were really red, he chuckled and turned to look at Dawon's empty chair. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, Dawon wasn't the type of people to be late, and Seokwoo saw him at home and was certain he was okay.
"You look beautiful today, huh?" Someone whisper shouted making Seokwoo jump, he looked around in confusion and his eyes landed on Dawon under the table. "What the hell are you doing down there?" He asked Dawon who was smiling mischievously at him. "I dropped my pen and when I was trying to get it, I heard you say that CHEESY pick-up line or whatever the heck that was." He said as he crawled out and sat back down on his chair. "It slipped out," Seokwoo said rubbing his face in frustration. "Well you should work on your flirting skills, you suck at it."
Seokwoo rolled his eyes and noticed Violet was looking at them, Seokwoo laughed nervously waving at her. Dawon raised his eyebrows and wore a cocky smile, "hey there editor Shaw" his voice was strangely deep making Seokwoo to look at him in confusion, "what's with that voice?" He asked, and Dawon nervously answered "I don't know" he heard her giggle, it really made his heart melt.
"Alright everyone let's begin" the CEO said, standing up, "very well, last month was great. Author Lee's book was published after two years of waiting." Everyone cheered and Dawon bowed his head "Author Kim's new short story was released" Everyone cheered again as Seokwoo bowed his head. "We published new translations as well" everyone cheered again but the loudest ones were from the translation team. "Yet, what is this?" She said with an angry tone, she held up Dawon's book making everyone confused.
"That's...my book?" Dawon hesitantly said and everyone nodded their head, "yes, a great book but with one problem." Dawon frowned "editor Shaw, can you tell me what's wrong with this?" She asked, sliding the book across the table, Violet hesitantly took the book and immediately frowned. She made an ew sound upon touching the cover. She turned the book to look at the back of the cover then opened it to look at the copyright page then moved forward to chapter seven. She dropped the book on the table, "it's a replica" Dawon jumped and grabbed the book and made the same ew sound upon touching the cover. "What is this cheap ass cover." Seokwoo took the book in his hand and was immediately disgusted by how bad the quality of the cover was. It was the same with the papers, it was so cheap, and the printing was so bad looking.
"Our lawyers are currently working on finding who released these books. We'll let you know when they find out." The room fell silent. It was suddenly darker. Seokwoo placed the book back on the table. His eyes landed on Dawon. He looked terrible. He rubbed his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "I know this can be hard for all of us who worked hard on this book, let's stay positive and hope for the best." Her voice was now really gentle, trying to calm the absolutely tense atmosphere down yet, she was failing miserably.
On his desk,
How's Dawon?On a stack of papers on her desk,
To be honest, he's not okay + here's the first part of the story ready for edition processOn a box of chocolates,
Please give him this from me and don't forget to hug him :( + I'm currently editing and the story is so good ♡On Jiminie the plant's vase,
Thank you for being kind to Dawon, I'll give them to him today.On a stack of papers,
Don't mention it, I hope he enjoys them. + here's the final editOn her keyboard,
He loved them yet he refuses coming back to work. Even Chani gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek but he is still in a terrible mood. He also finished all the grapes we had in the fridge.On his desk,
I left some grapes for him in the fridge, I hope he gets better soonOn her mug,
Well he got better and came back to work today, once I showed him your note he ran all the way to the kitchen and as I'm writing this, he is munching on them right next to my ear.On seokwoo the plant's vase,
Well I'm glad to hear that :)) I was so worriedOn a stack of papers alongside with a 'To be edited' note,
Here's the second part of the story ready for edition process, last time I was so busy that I forgot to leave you a 'to be edited' note and I apologise. I'd be happy if you do me a favour and leave me some suggestions for the name.On his desk organizer,
Awww thanks for putting it this time, I'm working on the edit right now. I noticed that you were inspired by what happened to Dawon so maybe just 'the replica' would be a nice name. I also saw that the company is having an event for the authors, will you attend?On Seokwoo the plant,
That is a good name! I just received the invitation and I need to say that I absolutely hate these types of events. I need to meet other authors and publishers who want to brag about how much they sell or about how their latest book is going to be a drama.On a stack of papers on his desk,
Well, sh*t :| I had no idea it was that bad, I'm sorry that I asked. I thought it's more like one of those really cool events in movies. + here's your edit of the story ^-^ just wanted to say that this story IS AWESOME. I can't wait for the ending.He leaned back in his chair after placing a note on her desk. He looked at the invitation letter that was dumped between a bunch of papers. He always attended these events in order to keep up with the community, but he absolutely hated it. He grabbed his coat and walked to the elevator but halfway through he ran back to her desk and started writing an addition on the small. He looked down at his watch, it was 5:13. In one of her notes, she mentioned she usually arrived at work at 5:15. He ran and squatted behind one of the desks which had a clear view of her desk. He shushed the person at the desk who was about to say something in confusion.
A minute later, she walked in, greeting everyone loudly. She placed her bag down and leaned in to take the note from her desk. She sat down as she was reading the note, her ears turned red, and she rested her head on the table in order to hide her blush. Success! Seokwoo high fived himself mentally. After a few seconds she took a pen and another post it, she started writing and once she was done, she placed it on his keyboard. She looked at his note, reading it once again;
It's okay! + thank you for the edit, As always the edit was flawless just like yourself :)
Anyways...I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the Author's event ♡______________________

Drowning In Post Its (A Rowoon Fanfiction)
FanfictionSeokwoo, a famous author with the pen name of Rowoon writes short stories monthly but when his editor resigns, he is forced to work with an editor he had never met nor talked to. their only way of communicating is post its (sticky notes) they leave...