Chapter One: House of The Flowers

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(Y/N)-san was always like that. She would always be confused over the purposes of the Wisteria garden they had. The garden would bloom all year, but then withers on December. Since the house was connected to the flower, she would always think that something would happen on December, that's why she's always suspicious when someone mentions the end of the year. Their garden of flower would bloom for a whole kilometer, giving their estate a large protection shield from the monster of the night, the demons.

"(Y/N)-San! Look! It's that time of the year again!" Fuyuko, the youngest son of the family, excitedly exclaimed to the (H/C) haired girl. She was wearing a kimono with Goshoguruma patterns, tied together by a pale purple Obi with a wisteria decoration on the back. Her hair was cleanly put up into a bun, held together by a white Kanzashi made of tiny flowers. She was always told to dress her best since her relatives like to go on a visit to her home without warnings. It bothered her when she was younger, but now she got used to the formality.

"Is the garden glowing again, Fuyuko?" The girl asked, her upper body now slightly turned to where the young boy was, "You bet that! Eomma and Pa is outside right now, praying with Kinmokusei-chan and Tsubaki-San!" Fuyuko happily explained. Fuyuko loved the flowers, you see. Pa always wanted him to follow his steps in order to become his successor. Sadly, Fuyuko was born with a muscle disorder, causing him to be weaker than the rest of the family. Though, the boy never got discouraged; he struggles everyday to recover from the illness, even though his attempts are useless.

Walking to the gate of their estate, (Y/N) slipped on a pale purple haori with white wisteria flower patterns. It was made by Ma, no one dared to give it the slightest scratch. Pa, Fuyuko, Kinmokusei, and Tsubaki were all sitting at the front gate, once in a while clapping their hand to send their prayers. Ma wasn't there, just like last year and the year before, she has passed away from an infection that pulled away her living cells. She was a wonderful woman.

'Ma, it's close to the end of the year again. Please bless us with your loving breath to protect us from intruders and monsters of the night. Pa has grown old and he could not fight anymore after your lost." The young girl prayed, her hands together and laying on her chest. Just like every year, (Y/N) wished for safety. She already had a happy life and a place to live, now she wants her family to stay like this, nothing to break them. Pa was quieter than usual, normally he would tell us to not wish for stupid things, but today he was quiet. He has only clapped twice, sending only two wishes away, before getting up from his spot and leaving for his room. It concerned the young children, but they paid not much attention to it.

The last wish clap was from Kinmokusei. She was the second youngest and the quietest. After the last wish was sent, the glowing purple hues of their garden started to fade. Colors drained from the tiny petals as they fall to the ground, resetting for December. It was a beautiful sight, but it pained the children, they were all reminded of their mother. Color draining, just like her disease. Then, as a tradition, the four children caught for themself one of the draining petals. That was then followed by them clapping the petal between their palms gently before placing it under their tongue. It was a way for the family to keep a wisteria smell with them for protection. Especially (Y/N) since she have rare blood.

The last petal from the tall trees finally fell, sinking their color into the cold soil of winter. The garden feels empty now without the spirit of the flowers. "They will grow back next year, rightTsubaki-San?" Fuyuko asked the second oldest child. Tsubaki had on a dark purple kimono, covered by a white haori patterned by grey and black cranes. Tsubaki nodded to Fuyuko, patting his head with his injured arm, his face filled with a serious frown. Kinmokusei was listening to their conversation, her white eyes staring at the dark horizon. The girl was blind since birth, giving her milky-white colored eyes. Eomma always said she was unique, since the young girl always had the muscles of a Pillar.

"(Y/N)-San." "Yes, Kinmokusei?" Answered the (H/C) girl.

"I smell something, it's about five hundred meters away from us."

"Something? What does it smells like-"

Then came a loud crashing, it came from Pa's room. Tsubaki has sensed the vibration first, so he ran there first. The boy always had good senses, making him faster and quicker to react. Then came Kinmokusei running.

"Fuyuko, I need you to stay here. Take this." (Y/N) pulled out a bag of petals and with simple rock inside, radiating the smell of Wisteria.

"I want you to stay here and be safe, ok? Pray to Ma, she'll protect you." The girl said before running off, leaving the small boy in the dark. (Y/N) was crazy fast, she arrived barely a moment after Kinmokusei, not even a single breath came out when she ran.

In Pa's room, the side wall was broken down. There stood a man in black with a simple white hat on. He was standing in front of Pa, holding out his bleeding arm. Something didn't feel right about that man, he was radiating fear. Which was weird to the children. Tsubaki yelled at the intruder, his muscles tensed and hardened. He was confused on why Pa allowed someone to come in the house without permission. Then, everything happened so fast.

One, two three,

As simple as that.

Both Tsubaki and Kinmokusei fell down to the ground, their head exploded.

"Tsubaki!! Kinmokusei!!" (Y/N) screamed at the top of her lungs. She pulled out her Kanzashi that was holding her hair together harshly and threw it at the attacker. The speed was so fast, even that demon, the highest demon, couldn't even see the tiny hairpin. It impaled him through the neck, leaving a gigantic hole. He didn't even have time to react to the sudden attack, in fact, no human has attacked him and leave such a painful result before. Was the hairpin made of that ore to make Nichirin blades? No, it couldn't be. Nichirin blades can never leave this damage. He was lost. Very lost. Almost scared even.

The black suit man after receiving the blow has then disappeared into the dark sky's mist. What has happened? Why? It wasn't even an hour after the wisteria's withers, why? Why can't she cry for them? Was it because of anger? No, not anger. She wasn't angry. Sadness? She felt none. Fear? Disgust? Guilt? Regret? No no... it wasn't those feelings. Hatred? Confusion? No... she couldn't feel anything.

"(Y-Y/N)-San...?" Spoke up a small boy's voice. Who was it? They sounds familiar. The girl turned her body. Her eyes lied onto a small figure, Fuyuko. He has seen the blood that has been splattered onto (Y/N)'s kimono. That, with the two bodies on her floor, Fuyuko screamed with fear in his voice.

His screams stayed him the girl's mind for ages.

"Murderer!!! Traitor!!"

"Failure of the Wisteria!"

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