Chapter Seven

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I got into San Diego around 2 am. I was tired and I had a hyper dog with me. I was lucky the place I found would take us for the night. Josh had said he would stay on the bus, but would come by once they pulled in. I told him to come by once they got there. I would leave a key at the desk for him, nothing was going to happen. I just wanted to stay up a bit and talk to him.

I was getting Arrow down to sleep when Josh came to the door. I was in short shorts and a tight tank top, I felt like I was showing too much. I was worried that I looked like a slut. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Arrow ran up to Josh, growling and barking at him.

"Upt! No. Sit." I said sternly.
"He's a protective dog." Josh laughed as he walked into the room in what looked like Pjs.
"Nice outfit." I joked as I took a seat on the couch, Josh taking a seat next to me.
"What you have on is better." He said as he kissed me. I pulled back not wanting to just make out. I wanted to talk to him.
"I loved the show. You guys play great." I was still a little revved up from the show.
"It was a good crowd. Your sister was all over Chuck." He said as he watched Arrow.
"She does that when she is very intent on being with someone. It's strange. It's like she's a different person." I tried to make conversation and get my mind off him in a tank top and Pj pants. It was hard to focus.
"True. Have you given anymore thought to moving to Vancouver? I'd love the chance to see you more." He took my hand and smiled at me.
"That's sweet. I won't know anything until my contract is finalized. If I hear anything I'll let you know." I promised and pressed my lips to his.

I decided to curl up next to him as we talked about growing up in different places, and my mom forced each of us girls into beauty pageants. We talked about his drug issues and how he was given a choice to get help or leave the house. So he got help then he got the idea to start the band.

I fell asleep on Josh; he had been in my room all night. That was going to look bad if anyone found out. It would tarnish my image. I woke up worried and freaked out. I rushed to the window and looked around. No sign of any paparazzi. It looked like I was safe. I let out a sigh and then felt hands encircle my waist. I leaned into his chest and smiled.

"All clear?" He joked, I knew it was a half joke.
"As far as I can tell. As long as we keep our eyes open we should be fine." I turned in his arms and got engulfed in a hug.
"So what shall we do?" He asked as he looked around the room.
"I think going out wouldn't be bad. Maybe go to the zoo or Sea World. They're both here." I offered as I looked at what clothing I grabbed.
"Let's do that wild animal park. Go on some tours." He said as he watched me go through my clothes.
"That'll be fun! We can see the Cheetahs!" I got so excited at the idea of seeing them.
"I'll go get changed and then get the tickets. I think noon is a good time to go. I shall be back!" He smiled as he kissed my cheek.

He left and I got in the shower. I needed to clean myself up before going out. The idea of going on safaris made me laugh. I shook my head as I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself as I went to dry off and went to get dressed. I grabbed a vintage care bear shirt, jeans and sneakers. I wanted to be comfy while I was out for the day. I wondered what Josh was doing, my cheeks flushed as I thought of him in the shower. I was having intimate thoughts about him and wasn't sure why. As I finished getting dressed, I took care to think about how I was going to do my hair and makeup.

There was a knock at the door, the hotel was going to look after Arrow, and they had a doggy day care. It made it easier than leaving him alone for hours with nothing to do.

As I put my shoes on I heard another knock. I had no idea who it would be aside from Josh. Shockingly it was Mike. I was a little shocked but allowed him in. I was wondering what he needed from me.

"Hey Lacey, me and the guys were talking, and I got nominated to come talk to you. We think it's cool that you and Josh have a thing. It's great, but you need to think of the long term. What are you going to do when we go home? It's going to be hard flying to and from all the time. I have nothing against you. You and Josh are cute, but you have to think about the distance." He said, looking worried that I would get upset.
"Is this about sparing my feelings or his?" I asked bluntly.
"It's not like that. We want to make sure you get how difficult it'll be." He said as he looked out the window.
"It's not like I want to make it hard. It is what it is. I want to be with Josh, I want it to work. No one is going to tell me I can't be with who I want. I will figure out the distance when I am ready too, and at my pace. I may just choose to move and be close to him. I have to do what's best while I wait for the contract to take effect. Once it's in place I can do as I wish. I'm not trying to make this hard. You coming up here, and having this conversation, is making it seem like you don't want us to be together. Who are you to make that choice?" I snapped at him. I felt like he was trying to make it so I didn't want to be with Josh. I didn't want to lose Josh. I wanted to see where it could go. Today was the first day we'd be a couple.
"I'm not trying to break you guys up. I just want you to know he is fully invested in you, and when he gets like this, he will move heaven and earth to be with the one he wants. I just want you to know that." He sounded like a worried brother. I didn't mind, but the way he came off made things sound worse.
"You need to let us make our own choices. Let us live our lives." I pleaded with him as there was a knock at my door. It had to be Josh. I needed to be ready. I grabbed my bag and said bye to Mike, telling him to close the door when he left.

Once it was just Josh and I felt the stress melt away. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked to the elevator.

"I got us on two safaris. One is the caravan safari. It's like 3 hours and we feed giraffes. Then I booked a special one." He laughed as I waited for my car to be brought out.
"A special one? Like maybe cheetahs or a behind the scenes tour?" I asked, my interest piqued.
"Not telling till we get there." He laughed as my car was brought up.
"Ms. Thomas, your car." The valet handed me the keys and I handed him a twenty.

As we took off towards the park, Josh began to look through what music I kept in the car. I laughed when he put in The Backstreet Boys. It would be fun, and it was. Josh sang along to a lot of the songs while I focused on making sure we didn't crash as he made me laugh.

When we arrived, Josh helped me out of the car and took my hand. He had the printed tickets to the park. I only knew about one of the safaris. I wanted to know what the other was. But he wouldn't tell me anything. He kept me close, hugging me, and kissing my temple. We went on the Caravan Safari first and saw rhinos, birds, zebras, hippos, and giraffes. I got to feed one of the giraffes and saw how dark its tongue was. We went to the Elephant Valley and saw the many different types of elephants they had and I loved the babies. There was a lemur walk that we took and we saw Lorikeets. Then Josh sprung it on me. I was going on the Cheetah Safari. I was so happy.

"Oh my gosh! Josh! This is amazing! I've always wanted to see this!" I pressed my lips to his not caring who saw.
"Babe..." He smiled at me as we got our seats. There was a demonstration; they had a cheetah chasing a lure. We were granted the option to pet the big cat and Josh got some photos of me with it. I was on cloud nine. We went to the gorilla forest to end our day. We took in the other animals; I had a wonderful day with him.

For dinner he had gotten reservations at Donovan's Steak and Chop House. I was impressed. I had always wanted to dine there but there was always a wait.

"Mr. Ramsay your table it right over here. Quiet, and in the back as you requested." A hostess smiled at him as she led us to the table. "I'll bring you the wine list." She handed us the menus and walked away.
"Josh how did you manage this? This place is hard to get into." I said as I sat across from him.
"Mike knows the hostess." He gave a small laugh as he took my hand.
"It's good to know your friends approve of me." I said offhandedly.
"They think you're great. They couldn't be happier." He smiled as he brushed the top of my hand with his thumb.
"Do you think I'm worth it?" I asked, a little worried of the answer.
"Of course you are! I don't take just anyone for a fancy dinner or spend all day looking at animals with someone unless I cared." He said as he leaned over and kissed me.
"I'm sorry. I'm insecure." I admitted as he moved his chair closer to me.
"Can I get you something to start? Some wine?" A waiter asked after he walked up.
"Can we please get a bottle of the Turley Zinfandel? And we'd like to start with the ...... seared Cajun lamb chops." Josh said as he looked at the waiter.
"I'm still looking." I smiled as he looked to me. He left and came back with the wine.

As I looked at the menu I saw a few things that sounded good. As the server brought the lamb chops out we made our main order.

"Could I have the filet mignon tip and grilled shrimp scampi." I smiled as I looked at the menu.
"And you sir?" He said looking to Josh.
"I'll have the sesame-crusted ahi tuna steak. And two crème brulee." He smiled at me as he put in the dessert order.
"Very well. Enjoy your meal." He took the menus and walked away.
"Crème brulee? You remembered." I laughed as I sipped my wine.
"You said it was your favorite dessert." He smiled as he took my hand. He pulled out a small box and looked at me.
"Josh what are you doing?" I asked, my breath catching in my throat. 

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