Chapter 10

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It was nice to see the guys and meet their girlfriends. It was good to know I might have some people to hang out with if the need arouse. I was happier when I was alone or with Josh. He was the one person who seemed to understand me and knew that I wanted a somewhat normal life. He was in the same boat. He wanted a normal life where he was able to go out and do what he wanted without being hounded.

I was sitting in my condo when my dad called. It was normal for him to call me randomly with job offers and other things that needed to be handled. This wasn't like that.

"Lace, sweetie you need to come home. There's been an accident." Was all I heard. Josh was with me when I got the call.
"What are you talking about?" I asked once I was able to form a thought.
"It's Oli, he was in a car accident. He was hit on the drivers side. He's in critical condition." He said with a tone that told me he wasn't joking.
"I have to call the studio. I have to push my schedule back." I went into robot mode. I had no idea what to expect when I got home.

Josh looked worried as I got off the phone and began to rush around until he grabbed my hand.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked and I collapsed. I started to cry uncontrollably, I had no idea what else to do.
"Oli is in the hospital. He was in an accident." I cried harder at the thought of my brother being in danger.
"Shhhh it'll be ok. Call the station. I'll pack." He offered and walked into my bedroom to pack my bags.

I called my agent, Lester then I called the studio to tell them I had to leave town suddenly and I would be back in a week that there was a family emergency. They said they understood and the studio was holding the shoot for a week. I was beyond upset as Josh walked out, he set my bag down and hugged me.

"I hope he makes it." I cried into his chest.
"Shhhh I'm sure he will. Do you want me to come?" He asked as he rubbed my back.
"Would you?" I asked hopeful.
"If you want me too." He said as he kept his arms around me. I nodded my head.

In 4 hours we were on our way to California. It was a lot of money to fly out on short notice, but I had to get to Oliver. He was my concern. Having Josh with me was keeping me calmer, making it easier to relax on the flight. I was a nervous flier. I hated the takeoff and landing.
As we landed I squeezed his hand, keeping my eyes closed.

We raced to the hospital with our bags, we didn't care. Josh knew I wanted to be with my family. I found them on the fifth floor. They were at the end of the hall and saw me as I walked over. I had no idea what they would say about Josh but I didn't care. This was not how I wanted them to find out I was seeing someone. I had a better plan for that.

"Who's this?" Stacey asked as she pointed quickly at Josh, Josh stood a bit behind me as my dad walked up.
"Um this is Josh Ramsay, my boyfriend. You met him before." As I said it I knew it sounded corny as hell.
"When did this happen?" She hissed at me, giving me a dirty look.
"None of your business." I snapped and looked to my dad.
"He's out of the woods, but they want to keep a close eye on him. He's got a few broken ribs, a broken nose, his arm is broken, and he was unconscious for a while." He said as he hugged me.
"Oh god..." I was shocked at the news.
"He'll be here about a week. You would have known sooner had you not left. You're so selfish." Kimber snapped at me.
"You should have stayed here." Cari said with a hiss.
"Get off her back. She did what we all wanted to do at one point or another. She had the balls to do it." Mari said as she looked at my sisters.
"You always stick up for her. You have no idea what a little whore she was at the show." Stacey said with a snide smile.
"A whore? How was I a whore? I didn't throw myself at every member of the band!" I snapped at her. Standing up to her was not easy to do.
"Ok calm down right now. There is no reason for this. We're here for Oliver! I don't want to hear this anymore. You're family, start acting like it!" My dad was mad, it took a lot to make him mad.
"We're going back to the house. Lace you should join us for dinner. Bring your guy." Mari smiled at me.
"We just have to stop off at the hotel." I said as Josh took my hand.
"Ok cool. Stop by Oli's room first. Let him know you're here." She offered as they got their things and left.

Josh offered to hold our bags and I went into the room.

Oliver was lying in a private room, tubes everywhere and looked pretty worse for wear. He had cuts on his face, a black eye, his arm was in a cast, his nose had a splint on it, but at least he seemed to be sleeping. They had knocked him out so he could sleep through some of the pain. I read the chart and saw all the medications he was on. I gave him a kiss and held his good hand for a moment.

"Hang in there Oli. You'll be ok. You have to be." I said as I squeezed his hand.

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