An Uneventful Beginning

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Three men were walking back from a small corner store, each of them carrying a few bags of groceries. The trio of manly men were heading back to their shared apartment.

To go into more unnecessary detail, these three males were college dropouts and decided to live together due to a lack of income from working, well simply put, low income jobs. Minimum wage, in fact.

However, putting all their incomes together was almost enough to support one full person, and that was enough for the three of them.

"How much farther?" One of the men, named Tom, complained.

"Dude, we literally live right next to the corner store." Another one of them responded. This was Lazer X. Johnson. Despite sounding like a character from an action movie, his life was extremely mundane.

"Wha- well I don't have this place mapped out yet!" Tom countered, triggering a response out of the third and final man: Connor.

"We've lived in this apartment for a year, dumbass." He grunted as he climbed up the step and buzzed into the apartment complex.

With several moans and groans, the three of them climbed up two flights of stairs, dropping a few things as they went up. As they approached their room, Tom asked a question that would most likely make Lazer and Connor question their life choices.

"Hey guys, are we losers?" He asked his two companions.

"Oh yeah." Lazer said, nodding to add emphasis how clear the answer was.

"Yes, Tom. We're losers." Connor answered.


The two had just come to accept the insult that had often been associated with them and continued the walk to their room at the end of the hallway. As they approached their room, a distorted, warbly noise increased in volume.

"Hey, you hear that?" Lazer asked them, the two exchanging before simply nodding in response.

Tom reached for the doorknob and flung the door opened. With the door now open, the three of them found themselves staring into a purple vortex.

"What the fuck?" Connor was taken aback, as most would be in this situation.

"Ohoh shit!" Lazer said as they began to be sucked into the vortex. He tried to grab the doorframe, but it was futile as he and his two best friends had been swallowed by the vortex.

The three flew at the speed of light through some kind of wormhole, screaming the entire time. After a few moments of chaos, they were met with an oddly peaceful darkness, as they were unconscious and in a very very foreign land.

Oh boy another Zuthar book! Hope y'all enjoy this, it will be way more chaotic than the other two.

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