A Musical Tragedy

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Once again, Connor jolted awake. Instead this time, he found himself in a chair, in front of a large mirror. He looked at his reflection and was relieved to see he had been stripped of his clone trooper armor. Now, he found himself in an edgy leather jacket with an even edgier mohawk.

"Mr. Connor!" A woman flungopened the door, startling him. "You're on in five."

"I'm huh?" He said, confused by the current state of affairs.

"You, Connor, lead singer of your band, are on in five minutes to perform." She said, clearly in a less than desirable mood.

"Huh?" Connor said, visibly taken aback. "Where are we?" This question was initially met annoyed confusion, though a false realization soon the woman's eyes to widen.

"Excuse me! We need a doctor! Connor overdosed again!" She quickly called out. Connor jumped out of his seat.

"What?! I'm fine." He said, waving his hands. The woman let out an exasperated sigh and waved off the onsite doctor.

"Please don't mess around, Connor. I am very busy." She said in a stern tone before checking her wristwatch. "Alright, now come on. You're on in three."

Connor decided not to hesitate and immediately followed her. As he walked next to her, he decided to take a look at her nametags.

Though the timing could not be more suboptimal, as she glanced over at him before her face turned bright red. "Hey, are you looking at my breasts?!" She said, covering them up. Connor himself blushed, realizing he was inadvertently staring at chest.

"No! I was just trying to get your na-" Connor was slapped in the face, cutting him off.

"Pervert!" She huffed and stomped away.

"Wait! I don't know where I'm going!" Connor called after her, but she didn't listen. He ran his hand through his hair, only to remember that he didn't have his thick hair anymore.

Suddenly, he heard loud cheering and decided to follow the noise. Eventually, he found his way backstage and stumbled onto the stage.

As he appeared in front of the extremely large crowd, they roared with excitement. His eyes met the figures of Tom and Lazer, who met his gaze and just shrugged. He walked to center stage where a mic and a guitar was waiting. He tapped the mic, which caused the crowd to go silent.

"Uhhh, hey, I'm Connor." He introduced himself nonchalantly. "And we are...." He paused, turning around to get a look at their name.

"Acid Drop Tear Metal Death Deluxe Snakes. Jesus that's a mouthful." He turned back to the crowd. "And this song is...Red...Sunrise." He said before turning to his friends and just shrugging again.

The song itself was a mess, but the crowd went wild. And that's how the rest of the night went. Connor would make up a song name and all three of them would be off key while the audience ate it up. All in all, they had fun.

The three were laughing, a jolly feeling as they boarded their tour bus.

"Next stop: Las Vegas!" The driver said with as they got onto the highway.

"Man, what a blast!" Lazer exclaimed.

"Yeah! I can't wait for our next concert." Tom said with a large grin.

"Y'know, I wouldn't mind living in this universe for awhile." Connor said with a chuckle. On que, they all heard prolonged beep followed by a loud bang.

The rest went by fast, the bus flipped over and as it burst into a fireball, the trio's vision had gone dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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