Chapter 5

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Samuel stood in front of Mythical lake, which was nearby his castle. He had just returned after a week's travel back from the councilman chambers. Despite it being below freezing, the water was only moderately frozen and rippled with life. While watching the lake he noticed fish swimming around. He couldn't help but wonder if people in Caster enjoyed fishing for sport and not just for food. He loved going fishing in the real world with his friends. He was great at catching them but often found himself reeling in under 3 pounds. As embarrassed as he would get, he was still proud of himself.

Footsteps crunching in the snow neared from behind him. He shifted and to his dismay found Katherine walking up behind him. Her red nose was more prominent on her pale face. The attire she wore was too thin for this climate. He could see why she wasn't chosen to live in the Icelands; she'd freeze within a fortnight. As the winds picked up she brushed her short red hair from her face. It seemed like fire against the snowy world behind her.

"I didn't mean to sneak up on you." She articulated softly as she shivered and rubbed her arms. The air was cold enough that you could see her breath as she spoke. "It's colder than I anticipated." Staring into the crystal water along with him, she studied it. "The water is probably chilling, don't you think? Odd it isn't frozen. Have you ever heard of people taking ice baths in lakes?" Katherine wasn't focusing on the water anymore, however. Now, it was him that she was observing.

Samuel gave her a bewildered look. He didn't know why she was speaking about ice baths. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. She had failed to mention to him that she was coming this way and she had no reason to. When she left the meeting, he witnessed her talking to a few other members before they headed southbound.

She offered him a timid smile. "I followed you back to your castle." She gave him an embarrassed look and he gave her a glance of interest. "I know it sounds mad, but I wanted to make sure you were alright." She resumed. Due to her tone, it was clear that she was being dishonest. While she did mean her words sincerely, that was not why she came to him.

"Why wouldn't I be alright? And that's something you had to wait until I was home to ask?" He felt uncomfortable and wouldn't sustain eye contact with her. No one had ever followed him before. As a man with no wife or children he's used to having his privacy. "You could have pulled me aside after the meeting." He continued. There was something in his stance that made him seem guarded. He stood tall and firm with his arms at his sides, and he never broke his gaze.

"You weren't very convincing during the gathering..." Her words lingered off as if she was looking for something more to say to him. To the West of them was the Titus sea. In the distance, you could hear the sound of its waters crashing onto the shore with its chunks of ice. It was loud enough to mark its presence but quiet enough to still hear the snow buntings chirp. Samuel hadn't passed near it since his initial day. A leopard seal jumped out of the water and almost gave him a heart attack.

Samuel released a sigh at her. "It's hard to be convincing when you're overwhelmed. Leading those who count on you blind. I don't even know what I'm leading you all into." He turned his attention to his castle. You could see the light reflecting over the snow-covered walls. On his banners were a scimitar protected in mega herb covered vines. Laughter and shouting echoed out and into the field in which they stood. The most noticeable sound you could hear was a loud bang that seemed like metal smashing metal.

"On my way here, I saw some structures that were a complete ruin. They looked as if scorched. I saw some white-tailed deer roaming around in what's left in it." Katherine had anticipated some sort of response from him, but he remained quiet. It was clear she was trying to make him comfortable enough to open up. "The ships in the harbor to get here from the Oasis are not well attended for. The crew members were something else." She added on. She motioned her hands in the direction to the southeast where Marix harbor held.

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