Chapter 14

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The view was breathtaking. The clouds danced together in unison while still allowing the sun to gleam through. The ground below seemed to be nothing more than a blanket of leaves from the treetops. From afar, a griffin soared above the hills. Its shrill was thunder-like as it burst through the air. The pines from behind him helped make him feel refreshed.

Backing away from the edge of the cliff, he waited. A few moments passed before the sound of rustling bushes caused him to turn around. When no one came, he started to wander to the trees. Twigs snapped within earshot, causing Micheal to twist his head. Still, there was no one. He began to back his way out of the woods when he heard the rustle of bushes again. Looking around frantically, all he spotted was an owl sleeping in one of the pines.

The opening came closer into view. He didn't realize how far he walked. More rustling came from behind. "Breannelyse?" His voice was firm as he called out. When there was no response, he accepted it must have been an animal. Exiting the grove, he made his way to the drop as he continued to wait. He took a seat and let his feet hang over the edge. She had always yelled at him for doing so. Fearing he would fall, she'd drag him back. Michael never minded the height. He knew if something happened, he would be sent to the otherworld and would only have to wait out another reset.

Whispers lingered from the woods. Michael turned his body to examine it, but couldn't see anyone. Rising as one of Casters' best warriors, he placed his hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist. It was a rare time when he would feel fearful. However, his nerves told him to stop.

Ignoring them, he pressed on. Once back in the woods, he slid out his blade. "Who goes there!" Annoyance made his nose twitch as he yelled. When it remained silent, he focused as much as he could on the sounds around him. The footsteps near him were vague, but there. As he shifted his body to where the sounds were coming from, heavy steps rapidly approached from behind him. Before he had time to comprehend the noise, a weight slammed into the back of his head. He fought to stay conscious, but his mind gave in.

Once he regained consciousness, he found he was no longer on the cliff. Head throbbing, he couldn't stop himself from grabbing. The knot from the injury swelled. He found that they had taken his sword along with his bow. When he stood, metal clanking echoed in the damp cell. They had clamped his ankle and chained it to the floor.

He could hear people whispering to each other in the halls. He snickered at the fact they thought a stone building was the best place to share secrets. Michael froze in his seat to stop the metal from dragging on the stone flooring. A man pressed he needed to get her out of the way, and this was the easiest decision. The other responded that they would spread the idea of his death to get the news to her. After the plan is complete, those who heard won't even remember this happening. Michael's chest sank when he realized they were talking about him.


Michael couldn't contain his panting as he awakened. Quickly removing himself from the bed, he pulled on his boots before grabbing his jacket and bolting out of the door. Not meaning to sleep for so long, he had lost so much time.

When he walked out, he took a moment to admire the waters. The salty air helped bring him back down from his panic. The idea of laying in the sun while being swayed soothed him.

The wind caused the waves to crash into the shoreline. People and ships crowded the harbor. The one he took in was still sitting where he had departed it. Michael hoped he would be lucky enough to be able to take that one back. The crew was friendly, and it was more spacious than the others. Being crammed into small spaces with others made him uneasy. Most acted as if they didn't know what personal boundaries were.

He bid his farewell to the innkeeper who was able to find him space. When he had arrived the night prior, he couldn't see well enough to get to Ivan's, despite it only being a few minutes away. He was grateful he didn't have to make a place to sleep outside. While the Icelands were glorious in appearance, it was not forgiving.

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