Chapter 22

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The sweat rolled down Cole's sunkissed forehead. Airenesse tracked close behind him, doing her best to keep up. He was disappointed that none of the deputies they had met with had anything to offer them to help Samuel. Being shot down just fueled him.

Birds flew above them as they neared the ruined entrance, their chirps taunting him as if they knew something he did not. Aireneese cherished all of the creatures that they passed, but Cole couldn't care less. He was on a mission.

Once they entered inside, they understood what Samuel had indicated. The burnt stench made them scrunch their noses. The roof had collapsed in some areas leaving masses of stone on the ground. Cole kicked pebbles as he took in his surroundings. He didn't know where to begin.

It was Airenesse who spoke first. "Let's start with the areas closer to the front and work our way to the back." Cole approved before going off to his right. Airenesse was satisfied she was able to think of something to assist. She had not been helpful thus far in their endeavors.

The area had the least damage from what he could tell but was still densely layered in dust. Sorrow overtook Airenesse at the state. She was a fan of architecture. Her mind forced her to think about how marvelous it must have been.

Their steps echoed as they walked around. Airenesse came across a painting on the wall that showed its age. Most of it had faded into darkness, but part was still visible. It was a picture of a woman.

It was hard for Airenesse to tell the original coloring. The dirt and debris made her skin seem to have some pigmentation to it, but her bangs were still noticeably red with her empty grey eyes. The freckles on her skin remained dark and prominent.

Cole stepped behind her, observing the artwork. He remembered her all too well. "Katherine." Airenesse looked at him in puzzlement.

Samuel had told her about Katherine, but she didn't understand why there was a portrait with her here. Cole clenched his jaw as his mind connected the dots of recent concerns. Samuel was wrong. He tried not to think about it and bumped her to move on.

They went into another space that had visible trauma from what had happened. Where the ceiling once rested intact exposed a blue sky.

They stumbled on the stone on the ground. Cole pushed aside some of them to find a twisted key. He raised it, concluding that it was to the metal box that Samuel had recovered. It served no purpose to them now, so he flung it back into the pile.

An ash flavor rested in Airenesses mouth, causing her to snap her tongue. Everything that came into her vision, she deemed as nonuseful before moving on. They were not collecting as much information as they had believed the trip would provide.

Once they moved on, Cole paused in his tracks. Airenesse looked to him with bewildered eyes before noticing he was investigating the gaping hole above them. The high walls that still stood were covered in scorch marks. It was at that moment they understood the fire did not come from inside.

"Dragons..." Airenesse muttered beneath her breath. She would know their mark, even if she had never met one.

He looked to her in concern, but she paid him no mind. She was distracted by trying to piece together the moments she still had, yet she could not get it to add up. It was almost as if she was missing the final piece to the puzzle.

"Should we be worried?" Cole asked as his voice cracked. Every story he had ever heard is that they are large, ruthless creatures who respond in the instant—unpredictable and vicious beasts.

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