Chapter 1

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Stay awake

A woman wearing a nightgown sat while she tried to read a book with heavy eyes. The books they provided her were not entertaining. Often, she found herself staring at the words while flipping the page on occasion to make it seem as if she was making progress. None of the information stayed with her, almost as if her mind could not keep any more information. The crisp air felt like little pins poking into her skin. A chill ran down her spine and made the hairs on her arms stand. The scent of pine and saltwater made her stomach churn as her migraine became worse.

"Ms. Daventine." The orderly's voice has never sounded so cold. How long had he been speaking or when did he even enter her room? She'd fought against it for so long, but this was it. She could feel them using as much of their power they could to bring her back. The woman knew what they would do once they found her. You could only keep up an act for so long before the questions began to pour in. She couldn't stop the inevitable. There must have had only been a few people left, or perhaps she was the last one.

She stood from the chair, setting the book onto her side table in the process, and made her way to the window. The rain was light, and you could only tell of its presence by the darkness of the cement and the droplets that made its way to the windows of buildings and cars. A cherry tree sat outside her window. It was coming back to life from one of the coldest winters in the last two decades. She saw it. A raven was sitting on the branch closest to her window staring back at her. She felt uneasy and faint.

Stay awake

"Ms. Daventine, I will not ask you again." She turned around as she had already forgotten that he was there. The pounding in her head rang like the beat of a marching drum. The man lifted his brows as his eyes met hers. As she looked down, she saw him holding a rather large pink pill inside a white plastic cup. Her vision had become compromised from the pain and lack of sleep, but she knew what it was. She closed her eyes for a moment, hoping to ease her mind a little before she responded.

"I do not need that, but thank you." She stated as only a whisper. It was clear to the staff she had been having trouble sleeping. Even a few of the other patients have questioned her state of mind. They thought she was suffering from sleep deprivation and undernourishment. Dark circles had formed under her hazy chestnut eyes that seemed to sink deeper within. Her face had become hollow and fragile looking. As of late, she had been irritable, fuzzy minded, and unmotivated. But she couldn't tell them why she was acting the way she was. 

When she had told her therapist of her room smelling of pine, he'd told her that it's her mind's way of easing itself. That there was no smell. He didn't treat her the way normal therapists would. He was there to make her think she was not in her right state of mind and then shove unhelpful solutions down her throat.

The last time she spoke of what she suffered from, they had thrown her into this damned place and forgotten all about her. She was a threat to herself and others; everyone persisted. The few times she had mentioned her troubles to her therapist, he had done his best to assure her that it was a dream, that she was safe. His solutions were vague. He'd tell her she isn't getting enough sleep, eating the correct foods, or staying active enough. That it resulted in her mind wandering. That it was all in her head. He would attempt to pry at her saying that he just wanted to help her discover the root of her trauma and help her unravel it to make her better... make her see clear. But she swore that it was more than a dream.

"It's not optional." He responded with a sharp tone. The pounding in her head had become so loud that she had to focus on his mouth to understand his words as he spoke. He began to walk towards her. "And it's this or the shot." He tried to make it seem as if she were being given an option. Either take this medication or they would sedate her to make her sleep. "Choose." The tone of his voice when he said it sent an unsettling chill down her spine.

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