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"Uhh, I don't know," she bit her lip, "Yea, I had gone out to clean the mail box, and I found this, and since it was addressed to you, I just bought it in." she said.

Addressed to me? I checked the other side of the paper. 
                                    FOR SHARON.
There was something else written too, at the extreme bottom,
           Pleasant surprise, ya? Hope you liked it, Grace, er, Sharon.

Oh God. Why? Why only me? Can't I get rid of problems for once? But I wasn't going to give up so easily, I wanted to end this all very soon. 

Probably, Ryan must've got this letter and thus, didn't search for Grace. But, how could he have not searched for her, when she meant so much for him? Or maybe Oliver searched for her? Ugh. Someone surely knew, and knows about Grace's whereabouts and most likely, this "someone" was now sending me, Grace's look-alike, notes. 

I was confused and bored, to a very great extent, and there was nothing much I could possibly do until I met Ryan and asked him about this. So, I decided to give my mind some rest and peace for the time being, I decided to write the essay assigned to us at class today on "Social Media and Communication." A very usual topic.


Social Media. An idea clicked in my mind. 

I immediately ran up to my room and got my laptop. I logged into my Facebook account and searched for Grace, I typed many names but no luck. There were no results that were even close to Grace and then I typed, Grace Smith American Academy.

Many results popped up. First one had a picture of a girl with mahogany colored hair. This. Yes, this!

I opened her profile. Her alternative name was "Chellator", isn't it spelled as "Chelator"? Uh. Chelator is basically any of those compounds that combine with metals to form chelates. But what could chemistry have to do with Grace? Well, maybe it could. Or maybe she just misspelled "Chelator" or maybe "Chellator" is actually her alternative name.

It said Ex-student at American Academy, Doha, Qatar. This clearly implied that she had updated her profile after she disappeared.

Her posts further confirmed this, she was regularly updating her posts and the last one was updated about a week ago. I scrolled down to her last year's posts. Her posts were usually brief descriptions of how her day went or how she was feeling.

"Wooohooo!! Sleepover. With ma babes. After a long time, very excited, haha!!"

"What a boring day! :( Couldnt history be a li'l less boring?"

"Heyyy!! Who do you guys think is better, a sociable idiot or a lonely genius? I do not fall in either categories, do i? LOL"

"What is wrong with everyone in this generation? Judgemental people everywhere. :/"

And such posts continued, until, an odd post came up, or a post that was odd-one-out.

""Precipitate as weather, she appeared from somewhere, then evaporated, leaving only memory." - Haruki Murakami" 

And such posts continued till date. Intellectual paragraphs and deep quotes.

""You can run," Dorian said in a neutral tone that did nothing to lessen the intensity of his expression, "but sooner or later, you run out of places to run to."  - Nalini Singh, Play of Passion" 

""I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
And walking up the long beach all alone
I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
As you and I once heard their monotone.

Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
The cold and sparkling silver of the sea
We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
Before you hear that sound again with me." - Sara Teasdale"

There was something very fishy about this sudden transformation in the ninth month of the last year. Ninth month? That is exactly what it is right now! But it doesn't seem like this could have any relation with Grace. Maybe it could.

I scrolled up to check more about her. She had not updated her current location. Her profile said she belonged to California. I did too. This could be more than a coincidence. Much more. But I couldn't form any opinions in this situation. Well, not yet.

She was currently single, and her friend list comprised of very less people. Amongst whom, none were from American Academy. Had she removed them from her friend list? I mean, Ryan, too, was not there. Nor was Oliver. And so wasn't that girl, Julia, who showed around the school to Grace.

I checked her pictures. There weren't many pictures of her. Mostly, there were pictures that had quotes written on them and there were pictures of stuff like teddy bears, mostly captioned as I miss you. Who, I wondered. 

And then, there were few pictures of her too. Her profile picture was an image of the side view of her face. She looked deep into thoughts. She had uploaded this picture about a month ago. The caption said, All day I dream about you. Her hair was straight and open, and she wasn't wearing glasses. She looked very different from how she looked in that graveyard picture. No offense but, she wasn't looking geekish (according to Ryan, she did) but she was looking pretty, or should I say, she was looking like me. 
But there was something peculiar. She had a tattoo on her neck and she multiple piercings. She had a nose piercing, around four in the year, and she had a labret piercing too, under the lip. These piercings reminded me of someone but I was too confused to recall anyone at the moment.

I checked her old profile picture, old and the last one. It was uploaded an year ago. There were no more pictures, or maybe there were, but with privacy. In this picture, Grace looked exactly like how Ryan her described her. She was wearing glasses and her hair was curly. She was standing next to a girl in a pink dress, who had been cropped out, with only one-tenth of her body left to be seen in the picture. Grace was wearing a light pink and white striped shirt, which was tucked into her jeans. A wide smile adorned her happy face. The picture was captioned as My new school is awesome!! (leaving out the bullying, duhh) Oh n look at the background, someone's spoiling the pic!!! :P HAHA LOL.
I looked at the background, there was a girl talking to a bunch of girls, more like, giving them orders. I wondered who that could be, a person who Grace disliked. This could help me out a lot in finding out this note person. 

I wondered what led to the sudden transformation from the geekish girl to a beautiful intellectual girl. 

I thought of sending her a message, but there was no option as such on her profile.
God. The girl had so much hidden behind her.
So, I decided to send her a friend request but I was sure she won't accept one from a stranger. But no loss in trying, right? So, I hit Add Friend. 

It was almost lunch time. So I thought of having a quick look at Ryan's profile to see if I could find anything. 

I searched for him, and it didn't take too much time to find him.
His profile picture was a simple picture of him clicked at a crowded place that looked like a mall. I usually wouldn't say this, but, he looked stunning. His gorgeous smile perfectly suited his sparkling eyes. 
The picture was uploaded at around the end of the last year.

I checked his posts. There was a post that caught my eyes. It said :
In a relationship. -with Grace Smith. 
I almost skipped a heartbeat. It took me around half a minute to recover from the shock. I read the comments.
Grace Smith : Awwww ♥♥ 
Ryan Adams : (=
Oliver Green : r u crazy or what ryan?! what hv u done! hate u.
Ryan Adams : I'm not crazy, pls dont be mad at me. p.s. msg me 
This post was uploaded about an year ago. 

There was another post, which was uploaded about almost the end of the previous year. It said 
It's over!! its all over, oliver i hate u.

Another shock. 
Too much is hidden, too much.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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