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Chapter thirteen | Friends?

I woke up flinging forwards. Whiplash made my head throb. My headache was more than severe. My arms were strapped down to a bed, so I began wrenching them out of the wrap. No matter how I tried to untie myself from this bed nothing worked.

I looked around. The room was dark, but coloured lights were throughout the room. As my headache began to loosen, my eyes adjusted and I could tell, I was in a hospital?

The events leading up to me passing out quickly came back to my mind, and I winced at the mere memory of blood... everywhere.

My heart rate picked up as it became harder for me to breathe. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled hard against the straps restraining my arms.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Just breathe." Liam said placing his hand on mine.



I nodded my head. "How's you get in here? The doors closed." I asked slowly, my voice raspy in need of water.

"Uh..." he started awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I sort of slept on that chair."

My eyes widened when I saw the small black chair in a dark corner. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. I wouldn't have been able to sleep." He huffed.

"Why not?"

"Because it's my fault you lost your breath. If I had only known you were sick I would have been more careful. I wouldn't have taken you outside all those times and gotten your heart rate up. I wouldn't have taken you to the campfire. I wouldn't have forced you to do anything but stay in bed rest. I wouldn't have gotten so close to you..."

My blood began to boil. What did he mean by this? This is exactly why I didn't tell him I was sick, so he wouldn't feel bad if we did something remotely fun. I actually enjoyed hanging out with him. These last few days... hanging out with him was the only reason I'd get out of bed! I wouldn't tell him that, it would only raise his stupidly high ego. "What do you mean you wouldn't have gotten close to me!" I tried to yell, but it only came out as a whimper. Another tear rolled down my check, but not for the same reason as before.

Liam's eyes widened. "No no, I didn't mean it that way. I wouldn't take back getting to know you even if it would kill me. I meant it as... holding your check for a second too long." His hand left mine as he sat back on the chair. "This whole situation is fucked up."

My heartbeat was ten times faster than before. Thank god I wasn't hooked up to a heart monitor.

I played it off like no biggie. I didn't want him to know he affected me the way he does. "I know right! One second I'm bringing home the beans, then I'm barfing blood, and now I'm here! What a day it's been!"

Liam awkwardly laughed, holding his breath. "Yeah about that. You've actually been asleep for 41 hours. The doctors say since you lost so much blood the damage on your body couldn't support your body being active so it basically just shut down. Or at least that's what they told me."

I sat in silence for a moment. I was in a nap for 41 hours! "Holy shit!" So I guess I know what day it is than.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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