Tuesday January 14, 2020.
If I though the year 2019 was an unbelievable date. Man 2020 is shocking. Well new update last summer I developed a very bad sleeping problem and it is coming back so that sucks. School is exhausting but I have to live with that. The third quarter. One more quarter until my best friend moves to Organ. The thought of that makes me cry. She can't leave me hear like this. But she has to. I'm so fucking scared we will drift apart because of the distance. I love her so much. But to continue I geuss to get on with the coming out part in here I'm a demi-boy! If you don't know what that is it is when you prefer the terms he/ him and they/ them. I'm really tired of my mom calling me a dyke.. I'm not a dyke. And it really hurts she treats me as If I don't have feelings. She knows I'm emotional. And she doesn't take that into consideration. I have a lot of feelings. And when I'm upset I cry. I just told her I didn't like these boots because they aren't really my thing I mean we all have our style and I just don't have a liking to them I find them to girly. So I told her that I didn't like them much and she said "stop being such a dyke, it wouldn't hurt to look a little girly!" But it does hurt to look a little girly it hurts me.