holy fuck be original

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DISCLAIMER: if your book has any elements of what is stated below, that doesn't mean it isn't a good story. I have read enough books to see a pattern and it's just what I've noticed. I still enjoy a few school books as you can see I vote on a lot of them.

Nothing against the people that do this, but if your story consists of:
• A big wolf or any dominant species that helps a poor small fox or any submissive species from highschool bullying (the  you get sent to the hospital where the sub ends up crying and they kiss)

------------------------------------                                    |THIS IS NOT ORIGINAl|
it is boring and I don't want to read it. I get it if it's your first time and what not but please for the love of god make something different that doesn't start with an alarm clock beeping. The amount of times I see this is unhealthy. I've seen some really good books with extreme potential yet in reference to my last chapter, most of those authors disappear.

Anyways, here are some clichés to avoid:
(Please share with bee authors)

• I wake up to the sound of a beeping alarm...
• (X) person carried me after I got pummeled by the schools homophobic jock
• I am a big Dom but I only like 1 guy and that's you
• I'm a small helpless fennec fox sub that cries over grass and somehow after me being a bitch, the big daddy dom still likes me.
• getting sent to the hospital by the big daddy dom after getting beaten half to death at school
• running out to the bus saying by to mom
• sub either is thin frail or has the thiccest ass
• dom always has huge dick
• dom is always rough
• sub moans like a girl
• sub has a mental illness
• time travel <--- the worst one imo
• using "tho" instead of though (not really a cliche but I see it a lot)
• dad is nonexistent
• characters skip school like it's nothing
• dom always loves the sub even if the sub has a shitty personality
• sub always, whines, is a bitch, helpless, small, never tops, no friends, never played sports, mentally ill, fights with dom over stupid stuff, and last but definitely not least, is always shy and uwu.
• dom is vice versa
• takes place in a school or college

For once in my life I'd like something like, guy A works in a night club as an "entertainer" but is taken advantage of and doesn't notice it, then guy But comes in helping him through a toxic relationship/bad work ethic and they get close and fuck. Think of different things please. My archive is filled to the top with stories like this. They aren't original and are not a joy to read.

Good and non cliche scenarios:
• The mini story stated above
• Guy A is a tutor and catches feelings for one of his students
• 2 people meet on a dating app and things take off
• Person A is a game designer and highers someone to help him they take off and fuck
• It could also be something with a poly relationship (these are hard to do trust me)
• Person A was just raped and went to a therapist. (The story is basically their backstory of how it lead up to that point)
• Long distance relationship
• (I know this involves a school scenario, but here's why) Person A and Person B are on the same sports team. Person A has always had confused sexual feelings towards the same gender (no person in particular) by fate, or some other bullshit, Person A and Person meet up get to know eachother then things take off. Word about their relationship gets out (you choose how it gets out) and now the deal with either, the entire school hating them, some of the school not caring while the others do, or everyone is accepting and due to Person A and Person B coming out, it helps other people come out as well.
• Age differences (just in general)

Now that you have some inspiration to go off of, writers, WRITE ❤.

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