Theft Gone Wrong

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Disclamer: I don't own stranger things all rights go to Duffer Brothers and Netflix

AN: This Is my first Stranger things fanfiction. Comment and let me know what you think enjoy.

Casey Pov
November 6th, 2037
My throbbing head was the first thing that I felt as consciousness slowly returned to me.

Uhhhhh, my head, I moaned as I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. Looking up, the first thing I notice is an unfamiliar grey ceiling above me. Instantly I sat straight up, looking around as I started breathing heavily. Quickly glancing side to
side, I got a better look at the room around me.

I was able to make out the room around me. Everything inside was an ugly shade of metallic grey. The walls were rough on the surface, yet the floor was smooth, both looked to be made of concrete. To my left was a large steel door with a small window at the top. To my right was an old rusty sink that was a health hazard with a mirror hanging above it. This wasn't home, that's for sure.

Turning my head, I notice that I was sitting on a hard metal bed that was covered in standard blankets and sheets. The bed itself felt exceptionally uncomfortable. Seriously, how does anyone get sleep on this torture rack?

How long was I out? I asked out loud. Wondering how much time had passed.

Soon enough, the bed was starting to make my legs fall asleep, and I realize that I needed to get on my feet. I slowly move my legs to the edge of the bed and push myself off. Letting out a groan as my feet touch the ground, and I regain feeling in my legs.

What happened last night? I thought to myself, confused as to how I ended up here.

Peering down, I began to examine myself, to my relief, I see that I'm still wearing my black leather clothing. As I check my pockets, I realize that all my trinkets, including my cell phone and mask, had been taken from me while I was unconscious.

Suddenly, my eyes fell upon a small glowing ankle bracelet attached to my left leg. I recognized the device almost immediately; it was a power dampener. The last time I saw one of these was when I had a run-in with a unionist remnant a year ago.

Fearfully I run to the door and begin to pound against it repeatedly, then giving it a push to no avail. Reluctantly I stand on my tippy toes and peer through the window. I see rows of similar-looking doors that stretch to both sides of the corridor and seem to last forever. On the walkways are several men in brown shirts walking back and forth. Only stopping briefly to glance into every individual cell.

Unfortunately, what I see only confirms my suspicions, I'm being held in a maximum-security prison.
Staggering back away from the door, I start to rub my fingers against my temples to calm myself down long enough to remember how I had gotten locked up.

Then all at once, the memories of the previous night came rushing back to me.


I landed on the ground with a thud, the adrenaline still flowing in my veins as I moved over to a wall and leaned against it.
My heart was beating at a hundred miles per hour, as I took off my mask and slowly began catching my breath. Looking around at my surroundings, I saw that I had teleported to an alley in a run-down part of town a long distance from the base.

Laughter soon erupted from me despite my exhaustion.

I can't believe actually pulled it off. I, a twelve-year-old kid, broke into the most heavily guarded place left on earth, stolen a crate of plutonium, and successfully evaded capture.

Equipped with little more than my quick wit, a few trinkets, and superhuman abilities, I pulled off the most daring heist in modern history.

Alright, enough gloating, I still have to turn in the contract, I thought to myself. I then got to my feet, looking around me to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing that I was alone in this alley, I proceeded to contact the employer and finish the contract.

Briefly, I glanced at my prize sitting right next to me before digging into my pocket and pulling out my cell phone.

Looking down, I scrolled through my phone until I found the encrypted number to the contractor.

Pressing the call button, I brought the phone to my ear, listening to the familiar sound of ringing. I allowed my mind to wonder about what would happen once I got my payment, and About what kind of life I would have once I put my days as a thief behind me. I also thought about how Miguel would lose his shit when he found out that I had actually pulled it off.

Then an encrypted voice finally spoke on the other line.

Did you get the package? Came a deep, muffled voice that sent chills down my spine.

Yes, sir, I said, putting on a mask of confidence, Inside, however, I felt extremely unsettled. Usually, when contracts are issued, a rendezvous is provided for thieves to deliver the goods to the employer.

Given the nature of this contract, I was on edge. It was by far the most precarious contract that I had ever taken. The job was to infiltrate the heavily guarded Fort William and steal two tons of plutonium without being detected. Fort William was the headquarters of EXORCIST, an organization of a bunch of science geeks, who came together to find a cure to the eco-virus that transformed the world for the worse.

Excellent work, the voice spoke in a way that gave me goosebumps.

So, where do you want to meet? I asked eager to cash in the bounty despite my uneasiness about my present circumstance. The sooner that I turn in this contract, the sooner that I can make arrangements for Miguel to be on the next caravan to Indianapolis.

Stay where you are, I'm sending someone to retrieve the package. The voice concluded as the call ended, leaving me stunned and confused.

Something about this wasn't right, and deep down in my gut, I knew it. Who would hire a thief to steal such a valuable substance, only to have said thief wait in a dark alley where the stolen goods are most vulnerable?

Suddenly a hissing sound erupted from next to me. I turned my head to see that the led crate containing my prize, had begun spewing out a green gaseous substance. It started to fill the air around me, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe.

Instinctively I brought my mask over my face as it became harder to breathe. Coughing as I took small breaths trying to get as much oxygen as I could. while also minimizing the amount of gas I breathed in. Turning to my left, I heard footsteps coming in my direction.

I ran down the alley in the opposite direction as my vision started to blur, and the world around me started spinning.

Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake. I kept repeating myself to remain conscious as the effects of the gas spread through my system. The crate that I thought was the plutonium was, In reality, carrying some gaseous sedative. Even though I hadn't breathed in much, the gas was incredibly potent. I just had to keep moving until my body burned through it.

Coming to the end of the alley, I was greeted by a dozen lights pointed at me with at least fifty men in combat gear with guns aimed at my chest. Each of them had just one word plastered on the front of their uniforms for all to see,



It didn't make sense. Why would they come after me if all I took was a fake crate?

Regardless of the reason, and despite my impaired state, there was no way I was going to let myself be captured. I raised my hands, conjuring electricity, and started firing bolts at the men. Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. Reaching behind me, I felt something sticking out of my neck. I pulled it out and brought it to my face. Even with my impaired vision, I was able to see that it was a tranquilizer dart.

I began to lose my grip on consciousness as my senses continued to fail me. I felt my legs give out from under me as I landed on the ground with a particularly loud thud.

As I laid on the ground, disoriented, I gazed up at the night sky. Multiple emotions were racing through me at once. Anger at myself for being so careless and not seeing the warning signs. Fear that I didn't know what was going to happen to me. Regret as I realized that I had failed Miguel, and he was now stuck in Chicago.

The last thing I saw before I passed out was a man towering above me.

End of flashback

Soon I began to hyperventilate as the gravity of my situation became apparent. I had been caught during my latest job, and I was locked up in prison. This was the worst-case scenario turned reality, those men had seen me use my powers. They would no doubt, try to weaponize me. Just like the unionists did to my friends.

No, No, No, I kept on repeating to myself, hoping this was a bad dream. But I know it's in vain as I understand that what happened was unfortunately all too real. The contract had been a setup, compelling bait to lure thieves in and then trap them.

SON OF A BITCH I yelled, as I punched the door, my anger growing every second. Feeling stupid that I allowed myself to be gullible as to be lured by such a tempting reward and disregarding the glaring warning signs that popped up in the alleyway.

Then I hear a loud buzzing sound fill my ears, followed by footsteps coming down the hall. Taking a step back, I see shadows coming from through the window. I bring my hands up and clenching them into fists, as I prepare myself for a fight, wherever I was locked up, I wasn't going to make it easy for these assholes.

Turn around, face the wall, and put your hands behind your head, A voice from the other side commands. Instead, I shifted both of my clenched fists and flipped the guy off, showing whoever was speaking that I had no intention of complying.

Suddenly the door swung open, and about six men who were wearing heavy riot gear piled into the room. Unanimously, they pinned me to concrete the wall, and my hands were forcefully brought behind my back. I then heard a clicking sound as handcuffs being put on my wrists, then my vision goes dark as a bag is placed over my head as I was dragged out the cell kicking and screaming.

AN: I don't know how long it will be before I update again. It will really depend on the spare time I have so. This will be cross posted on the following:


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