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***Emily's Point Of View***

The sun shone through the trees, I don't think I've ever seen so many trees in Arizona. Even in Prescott, the trees were a lot more scattered. I don't remember what kind of trees they were, but I distinctly remember them smelling of cinnamon. Everything here was so green, and it smelled strongly of rain.

It was my first time camping, we had gone with the Stewart's. Liam tried to teach me how to roast marshmallows but I couldn't get the marshmallow to not burn. I didn't really have the taste for s'mores either. I ended up just eating the chocolate.

Hunter and Archie were playing with Claire. Liam and Cole's younger brother. I don't remember where Cole went but I'm fairly sure he's off brooding somewhere. He always is. He's not avoiding me like he used to, but we're not exactly friends.

I was busy eating chocolate when I saw him throwing stones at the lake. Yeah, at the lake. I walked over. "I don't think that's how you skip stones, Cole." I said
"Why don't you try then, Princess." He grumbled and handed me a pretty heavy stone. "One, this rock is too heavy. Two, I told you to stop calling me princess." I dropped the rock on his foot.

A voice stirred me from my sleep. That was the only decent dream I've had in years. "..Wake up..."

"No." I refused to open my eyes.

"No? Ace, come on, you have to get up." Cole said.
I groaned and finally opened my eyes, I don't remember falling asleep. "Mornin' Sunshine" Cole and his damn southern accent. The sun was barely up. "Where are we?" My voice was rough, Cole handed me and water bottle and I took it. I must have surprised him because he looked startled when I drank it all.

"Somewhere in Kansas. We're switching cars, we've been driving this one too long." I nodded, makes sense I guess. Cole swung the bag he had off his shoulder, "Figured you might want to change into some actual clothes." Clothes? Clean clothes? Hell yeah. I smiled and took the bag. " We stopped a while back, Daniel watched the Van. We found you some clothes, we got as close as we could. If they don't fit we'll find you some better ones later." He continued, "You can clean yourself up, but don't take too long. You can shower back at HQ."

"HQ?" I questioned, I looked up from the bag I was digging through. " We're with the children's league. Adults and kids, trying to help stop whatever the hell is happening." Cole said. "The league is here to help you." He held out a hand and I took it. "I don't trust the league, but I trust you."

I pulled myself up, the bag of clothes with me. My feet still hurt but the pain was tolerable. "Where's everybody else?" I asked "Getting the car, finding gas. Looking for food. There's a bathroom in the gas station. Feel free to look around and stretch your legs but don't go too far." I smiled, "What am I gonna do? Run? I can barely walk."

One of the kids turned the corner. "Yo Cole, we got a car. When are we heading out?" Cole rubbed the back of his neck, his hand on his hip. He looked so much older now, he looked stronger. He must've changed his clothes, he ditched the PSF uniform. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt. And a leather jacket. Pretty typical of Cole. The other kid was just wearing jeans and a dark green hoodie. He had messy black hair and dark eyes, "Better hurry up, kid, Daniel is gonna have a heart attack if you take too long."

"I have a name, you know." I said annoyed. He grinned mischievously "Okay, Emma"
"Emma bear"

I growled. "I actually hate you."
"Sorry for your loss." Cole Chuckled. Daniel was laughing. I stared at him, He must have felt bad because he stopped. "Go get changed, idiot." Cole said once he was done laughing. I rolled my eyes, "Let me know if you need help."
Daniel said. Cole raised his eyebrow and sent him a 'what the hell?' Look. The poor kid blushed from embarrassment and turned away rubbing the back of his neck, " Sorry.. Uhm, never mind."

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