Chapter 7 - Princess's Plan

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Tarek didn't see the princess for the next few weeks. Despite his promise to himself to stay out of her affairs, he often caught himself walking past the castle in hopes of spotting her wandering the grounds. He even made excuses to help Ma when she stayed in the kitchen late at night in hopes Princess might show up looking for an evening snack. Once he asked Brie about her and received a smack across the face, something she hardly ever did to him.

"I'm sorry, Son," Brie said, her eyes brimming. "But you wouldn't be asking unless you cared. You can't care. Not about her. Not about anything here, got that?"

"Yes ma'am." He never mentioned the princess again and promised himself he never would.

After the third week, he feared the king had learned of her attempted escape and punished her. He hated the times when his mind mulled over the possibility that she might even be dead like her music instructor. However, if that were the case, the gossip would circulate like dust-devils through the staff.

Finally, Tarek settled on pushing the whole matter out of his mind. Being a hunter came with the privilege of having the freedom to wander the ranges around the castle. He learned quickly to avoid the dragon's lair, a barren plateau of parched, scorched land. The men said it was the only part of the mountain that didn't drop off in sheer cliffs. The dragon would eat any wandering fool looking for a way of getting out of Racah along the jagged passes.

The longer his family remained in Racah, the more his mother began to settle into life there. Or at least tolerate it. Olden, who had no patience for whiners, actually spent more time at home. But Tarek wasn't sure if it was because he could stand being around his wife again or because he was on the outs with his mistress at the tavern.

Tarek woke one morning to the smell of cinnamon bread and a fresh blanket of snow outside his window. He dressed quickly to ward off the chill and climbed down to the main room.

Vesia sat at the dinner table eating a bowl of mushy porridge. Pop's feet were propped up on the corner of the table while he polished his new leather boots. Vesia glared at him as she stirred an extra spoonful of sugar into her bowl. Ma must have left early to run her errands.

"Don't be greedy, girl." Olden scolded.

"If you have the means to buy yourself another pair of new boots, then you can afford me having an extra spoonful of sugar," she countered, her glare challenging him. Olden rarely smacked her around like he did Tarek, Ves being a girl and all, but every once in a while she pushed the old man too far.

Olden's feet hit the floor. He glared back, even though his smirk indicated he wasn't mad… yet. "Don't get sassy. Asides, I'm not the one who brings in the extra food we eat. That'd be what yer ma pilfers from the kitchen and what your brother poaches from hunting. Show a bit of respect and be resourceful."

"Nobody would need to snitch off others if you'd share with the rest of us instead of gambling your earnings away."

Olden stood, sending his chair toppling backward.

Tarek quickly slipped into his boots. "Time for work, runt. Go get your coat."

Vesia was not one to back down so easily. She shoved her spoon into the sugar bowl and popped a heaping spoonful right into her mouth. She dropped the utensil, and it hit the floor with a clatter. Pop's hand readied to cuff her, but she quickly darted out of reach.

Tarek moved between them, ignoring her bit of rebellion. "Are you going out today, Pop? I was about to go check my traps."

Olden shot his daughter a disgruntled look as she rushed out the door and slammed it behind her. "You not puttin' them where any fool can come across them, right?"

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