Chapter 10 - Building Friendship

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"One more time?" Princess' face lit up in a smile that was simply beautiful.

Tarek had tried so hard to keep his feelings in check, but he couldn't deny that over the past few sessions, he'd fallen for her. He deserved to lose his head when the moment came. Such a tender heart.

He collapsed on one of the couches, breathless. "You do it. I'm exhausted."

She rolled her eyes and continued working though her steps, humming a lively tune she remembered from the festival. Since their excursion to town, she really had come alive. Her whole countenance had changed. She was more relaxed, talkative, and laughed often.

He rubbed his forehead. How could he not fall in love with her?

Gone was the frightened rabbit he met that night in the kitchen. In her place was this vibrant, beautiful, resilient, young lady who seemed untouched, somehow, by the wickedness and bloodshed she’d witnessed

She spun in circles, her arms stretched out at her sides, until she began to teeter. Falling next to him on the couch, she covered her face and giggled. "That feels so weird."

"You're weird." Tarek told himself to move away just a little, but didn't follow through.

She shifted and faced him, her head resting on the back of the couch. "Something's bothering you. What's wrong?"

Heat rose up his neck. He couldn't tell her what he was really thinking. Even she'd say what a fool he was. He refused to consider what would happen if King Darnel found out. Nope, that secret would have to stay tucked away in his foolish, tender heart.

"I'm just tired, love. There's a lot of work for the servants to do to get one of these grand parties put together."

That was the truth. Aside from his duties, he'd been sneaking out at night to trap game so his mother wouldn't question why their food supply had dried up. Brie could sneak the occasional leftover produce or bread without being noticed, but she depended on him to find meat to sustain them. Pop was never much help, not wanting to get in trouble with his new hunting buddies.

She sighed. "I know. He gives his orders, and everyone has to scramble to make it happen."

"He's just like any other king, I suppose. They all crave power and will do whatever is necessary to get it." He shuddered as he remembered how Darnel sliced her last instructor's throat. That had been the first night he'd seen the depths of the king's cruelty and realized why his ma hated living here so much.

"They?" She sat up, her hand reaching for a small pocket in her skirt. "Is there really another king?"

Tarek shrugged. His ma used to tell him and Vesia about a white city where a good king supposedly reigned, but Olden refused to acknowledge her tales. He insisted his family would never pay homage to any king. All rulers required hard work and taxes from their subjects, just like Darnel did to them. Olden said they were better off working for themselves, even if it meant they had to scrape by from time to time. They depended on themselves and nobody else.

Princess interrupted his thoughts. "The people at the ball mentioned another king. Said he was the true king." She chewed on her bottom lip in contemplation, which always made it turn a delightful shade of dark pink. How many times had he wanted to kiss that lip?

Stop it.

She leaned in closer. "If I tell you something, will you promise not to think I'm completely crazy?"

"Too late." He held up his hands as she made like she was going to hit him. "Oh wait, you said completely. I might can give you that."

She grabbed his wrists and didn't let go. "I have these dreams of a city. It's white and sparkles in the sun. I have it over and over again. And I always think it's the home of another king."

Captured: A White Road Tale novella #1Where stories live. Discover now