Chapter 14 - Meeting in the Garden

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Tarek waited until Vesia's snores sounded from the other side of the hanging blanket that divided their little loft. He slipped out through the window over his bed, climbed down the wooden slats that made up the wall of their cottage, and dropped the last few feet to the ground. Luckily, the moon was a sliver, and he was able to keep to the shadows as he made his way toward the castle garden.

The gate was open. "Not too late to turn back," he warned himself in a whisper. With a heavy sigh, he walked through the gate.

Maples, nearly bare of their leaves, lined the wall. He listened for a moment, wondering where exactly he was supposed to meet the princess. She'd said beside the gate, but—

"I was so afraid you'd not come." Her soft voice came from his left. "Not that I would have blamed you if you didn't."

She wore a pale brown dress that helped her blend in with the dormant garden surrounding them. She appeared between two bristly bushes like a wood sprite, the kind of creature he'd expect to cast enchantments… like the one she'd already cast on him.

"I would never abandon a friend."

Her face broke into a wide smile as she held out her hand for him to take. He allowed her to lead him toward a cluster of spruce growing beside a small fountain pond.

Friend, friend, friend. If he wanted to keep his life, he had to keep their relationship restrained to friends.

"Master is away from the castle. He won't return for another few days. I know he probably has his people watching me, but I have ways of getting around without being seen. With him gone, I don't have to worry about being tracked with his scope."


"A magical device that he uses to see things. He used to make me watch people being fed to the dragon."

Tarek stopped, pulling her to a halt. His stomach lurched with disgust and sympathy. "What did it cost you to make that deal with him to spare my life?"

She grabbed his other hand and continued pulling on him until they were in the shelter of the evergreens. "Nothing more than I can handle. Actually, he's been rather kind since my little outburst."

Tarek chuckled as she pulled him onto a bench resting beside the trunk. "I know you almost blew my boots off, you little spitfire. Who knew you could be so fierce?"

Princess kept hold of his hands. "I wasn't going to let him hurt you. Not after all you've done. And I know calling you here is putting you at more risk. But I never had a chance to talk to you after… and I've…" She stared down at their hands.

"What about your risk, love? You know, he took that bit of bravery fairly well, but you shouldn't push your luck."

Her fingers trailed up his arm, leaving goose bumps in their wake. "He won't hurt me. Trust me, I've pushed and pushed. He needs me alive for some reason."

"What do you mean?"

She waved away his question. "I don't want to talk about that right now." Circling her arms around his neck, she leaned in as her fingers tugged at the long strands of hair that fell over his neck. "I've really missed my dance tutor. My friend."

They were getting too close. He needed some distance, but his body refused to move. The way she played with his hair was so relaxing, mesmerizing.

"I know what you're thinking, Tarek. I see the fear on your face."

"I'm thinking that I'm a servant and you're a princess." He needed to stop her, but simply couldn't. He loved her - yes, he used that word - and had a feeling she cared for him as well. This could get them both killed.

She shook her head. "I'm not a princess. I'm not. And I don't want to be. I can't stay here. I don't belong to him."

Tarek pushed a stray curl behind her ear. "I don't wish to stay here, either. Nobody is free here."

"We can help each other, Tare. We can."

He held up his hands. "Wait." Sighing, he stood, needing a moment to collect his thoughts. "I can't abandon my family."

She pulled her legs up to her chest, circling her knees with her arms. "I know. It's one of the things I lo— admire about you."

He spun around to face her. Had she almost admitted…? Her lashes glistened in the silvery moonlight. "I need some time, love. Can you hold tight until the moment’s right?"

Her shoulders rose with her deep breath as she nodded. "Whatever it takes, Tarek. Just swear you won't leave me behind if you do manage to leave."

"Never, sweetheart. I don't think I could, even if I wanted to."

She flew off the bench and into his arms. He hugged her to him, not sure if he'd ever be able to let her go. "Leave it to me to fall for a princess." He chuckled, burying his face into her auburn curls.

She rested her head against his shoulder. "I'm just a regular girl, Tarek." Pulling back so she could look up at him, she added, "A girl who has fallen for an amazing boy."

He bent down, intending to kiss those smiling lips, then he paused, unsure if she even wanted to be kissed. In that moment, she lifted up onto her toes and met him halfway. Their lips brushed, softly at first, then pressing in with more urgency, and he knew he'd fallen so deeply for her, he might never surface again.

For years, he'd dreamed of finding a home and a life he could settle into. For years, he'd dreamed of finding where he belonged. He'd never believed Pop's insistence that one only had himself to depend on. No, Tarek realized, if a person didn't have someone to love, someone to help and be helped by, then he had nothing. Two really were better than one.

His mouth traveled along her jawline as he buried his face in her neck, and he knew he had found his true home in the love he felt for this strange, mysterious girl.

Maybe someday he would understand what the cord of three meant. Could it really be any better than this? 

Captured: A White Road Tale novella #1Where stories live. Discover now