Chapter 39

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Don't worry I'll have it all done by the end of this week ;) I've finished typing it up, all I have to do is post the chapters.

*reads* Oh yes, I left you at a cliffhanger last time... >:)

"No. No. No-no-no-no-no!" Midnightsky ran to her sister's side. "Silkfrost. Please. Be alive!"

Silkfrost didn't respond. Her eyes were closed, but her claws were unsheathed as if she had tried to defend herself.

"You can't be dead," Midnightsky whispered. She struggled not to cry as she gazed at her sister's body.

"I'm sorry!" she blurted out all of a sudden. "For everything I did that seemed wrong to you. I didn't want you to feel that way. I wanted us to be friends again!" Now she couldn't hold the tears welling up in her eyes. "Just forgive me. Please..."

She closed her eyes, burying her muzzle in her sister's fur.

This can't be happening. StarClan, please! Please! I just want Silkfrost to be alive...

Silkfrost's chest remained still.

Midnightsky opened her eyes slowly.

"Silkfrost," she murmured. "Wake up."

She prayed a million prayers to StarClan, a small glimmer of hope in her heart.

A rustle sounded that made her look up. Scratchclaw was standing there, his face portraying no emotion.

Midnightsky glared at him, standing up.

"You're a monster," she growled. "You pretended that you loved her and then you killed her! You're a true rogue. You can't be trusted!" Anger flared out of her. Scratchclaw was the whole reason Silkfrost was dead.

"That's not how it happened — I did love her!" Scratchclaw exclaimed. "I had no choice!"

"Then you're a coward." Midnightsky stepped toward him. "I don't want to see you ever again! My sister is dead because of you and I want you to leave. Now. Get out of our territory."

Scratchclaw sighed, staring at Silkfrost's body, then ran off. Midnightsky turned back to Silkfrost, anger and sadness searing through her.

"I promise to never make you hate me ever again," she meowed. "Even though you're dead, I promise." She closed her eyes again.

A gasp made her eyes fly open.

Silkfrost was still lying down, but hope was rising inside of Midnightsky.

Then, to her amazement, Silkfrost's eyes fluttered open.

"Midnightsky?" Her whisper was barely audible, but Midnightsky heard it.

"Silkfrost!" Midnightsky could not believe her eyes. "You're alive! But — you were dead, weren't you? How did you —"

"StarClan decided it wasn't my time." Silkfrost closed her eyes. "I'm so tired..."

"I'm just glad you're alive." Midnightsky nuzzled her. "What happened?"

"Scratchclaw attacked me without warning and left me here." Silkfrost's voice was quivering a little. "You were right, Midnightsky. You can't trust a rogue. But I trusted him. I loved him. I was blinded. I'm sorry that we had that argument... I didn't know what I was thinking."

"I'm sorry too," Midnightsky murmured.

"I don't think I'll ever love again." Silkfrost's voice was quivering so much Midnightsky could tell her sister was heartbroken.

Warriors: A New Beginning #2: Midnight RisingWhere stories live. Discover now