Wedding Bells

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Just one week away from my wedding and I was starting to have second thoughts.I kept on eating sugary snacks to calm my nerves down but it wasn't helping,my fiancè was on a business trip and would only be back three days before the wedding.
I was bunking at Hugh's cousin's place.She'd help so much with the preparation of the wedding.

During that week I started searching online for any information that might lead me to Alex.I searched and searched little did I know I saw the Sun coming down.I was so exasperated at the fact he wasn't on any social media sites.Hugh's cousin came in and the smell of coffee entered my nose and she had a full plate of scones on the other hand."Charles are you look restless."she said with such concern.

" mind is else where.It's not on the wedding...It's on someone else",I said
Cara looks at me quite puzzled,She places the scones on the bedside table and hands me the coffee then she sits next me on the floor.
I take a sip of the coffee which she'd put the right amount of milk and sugar with a touch of salt just how I like it.Cara is just looking at me,neither of us are daring to utter a single word.

I place my head on her shoulder,drops of tears follow one another hitting the cold floor.
Cara was like an older sister to me and I didn't have to say anything she understood me...She knew the things to say without even saying them."I'll help you find him Charles.Do something that makes you happy.Be with someone your heart truly wants to be with."
I just took another sip of coffee.Then the day came to an end.
That night I kept tossing and turn...My brain was at war with my heart.Cara's words kept echoing in my mind.Memories of Alex were replaying in my mind.The night felt so long,it was 3 days before my wedding and Hugh would becoming the next day.

The whole night was a miserable experience.Soon I heard the birds singing,the rooster cockled and the Sun began to rise.Cara and I prepared the house for Hugh's coming as Hugh's parents would be picking up and bringing him here to Caras house for a welcome party.Hours of waiting Cara and I heard a beep and Yes!It was my future husband and his Parents...
Being loud as ever!But I honestly truly adored them...Both giving me a tight hug including Drew."Hey babe!"Hugh said with a warm smile.I just jumped into his arms and whispered,"I missed you so much."

If only you would hurt me and give me a reason to go back to Alex.Why do have to be a darn good man,I love you, but not as much as I love Alex.If only...
I thought to myself...A burning sensation of guilt was killing me.Hugh have me a huge kissed on the forehead and released me.
Cara looking at me with judgement...and I looked back with such guilt and shame.Hugh was a good man and his family was honestly the best,but I just wasn't as in love with him.He deserved a better woman.

Hugh's parents were in the back yard barbaqueing and listening to Luther Vandross's love songs dancing all about...their love for one another made me so envious...I honestly wanted to tear up.So I got up and left and Cara followed me.She didn't say anything...but embraced me in her arms little did I know that Hugh would enter in the midst of the moment.
"Honey are you okay...what's with you?Aren't you happy to see me?"he said with such a sorrowful tone.I looked at him wiping away the tears and gave him a forced smile.

"Don't worry Hugh,Charles over here was so upset that her childhood friend had passed away.No need to be presumptuous"Cara said.
"Babe come let me lift your spirits up,come let's go out for some ice cream after the lunch."He said
I just nodded my head any quickly went upstairs to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror with such disappoinment,contemplating whether to tell Hugh about my feelings or just to learn how to love him as time passed.

"Charlie!Charlie!lunch is ready!"Cara shouted.
I came down as stealthy as I could,I'd seen everyone at the dinner table all staring at me with such concernment,I just ignored the stares and sat next to Cara opposite my fiancè."Charlie are you okay my dear,you haven't touched your food."Hughs mom said with such worry.
I chuckled and said "I'm watching my weight,I'd like to fit in my wedding dress."
Everyone one else laughed and Drew said,"that's nonsense Charles you practically a walking stick."I just gave him a smile and took at least two bites I my food.

I helped Cara with the dishes,and she muttered,"You need to tell him."I just looked at her and ignored her and continued to dry the dishes."Babes!Are you ready?"Hugh asked with such excitement.I looked at him and smiled,"Well I'm just at th...
"Its okay Charles,Go on your date with your man...I'll finish up"Cara interrupted.
She gave me such a cunning smile and continued to wash the dishes.

Hugh and I grabbed some ice cream...and went to the place where Hugh had proposed. It envoked so many emotions in me."I'm sure you're familiar with this place babes." Hugh said.
"How could i forget..."I mentioned
We emptied out ice cream cups and Hugh just embraced me in his arms.He smelled so warm,he smelled like love.
"Babe aren't you excited the day after tomorrow we'll be one...And you'll look as gorgeous as ever!We'll dance till our feet hurt and the entire day we'll play Presley's songs on my dad's Vinyl."Hugh said.

I was drowning in guilt...the heart truly is treacherous,My heart only thought of Alex.Hugh was a great man but he wasn't the man for me...

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