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Autumn has finally arrived around mid-november. Soft breezes were caressing down the streets, making the trees say goodbye to their beloved children, the leaves. The air was chilly, awakening. Faces were crimson and fussed, toesies were rushing back and forth. The sky was grey, but it couldn't take away its lustre.

It seems like the world does not slow down, not even for the hopeless romantics and yet, there was she, desperately trying to hold onto her daydreams just a little bit longer. Every inch in her body tensed as she sharply inhaled, then slowly let the air slip away through her nostrils again. She sunk in her seat, gazing out of the fogged windows of his father's car. Forests were running before their eyes, deep, bushy forests. A lovely tune was spreading from the radio, and the girl closed her eyes and let her father's humming lure her into a shallow, dreamless sleep.

A sudden turn woke her. They pulled over to the parking lot in front of an enormous and mesmerizing academy. It was a mostly victorian building, but you could see some gothic elements, - if your eyes were sensible enough for art - which made it look much more elegant, much more historical. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, so she could study it better. It was high, with doric pillars rising here and there. The walls had a rather coffee-ish colour to them, which seemed even darker in the gloomy weather. And throughout the building's bulky torso, gigantic windows were craved in. Through one of these windows, if the girl had looked intensely enough, a boy's curious stare would've been spotted.

Father and daughter got out of the car, not saying a word. At first, they didn't move any further, just took in their surroundings. It was peaceful and quiet, a lake was shimmering not too far away from where they stood. They noted how motionless everything was. As if the building wasn't filled with boys of so many different ages, as if it wasn't only a matter of minutes, before the corridors, even the whole yard would fill up with them. The father, who was a professor there - actually, one of the best - might have had an idea about it, so he urged his daughter to empty the trunk and make for the main entrance. A ray of sunshine hit their cheeks suddenly, as a cloud moved out of the sun's way, but it was weak, couldn't radiate any warmth, any comfort. They looked at each other, sensing the tension in the air. Things were about to change. For the worse or the better? No one knew.

it's a somewhat short introduction kind of chapter, i promise they're going to be longer than that, but i was so excited to post this, i couldn't stop myself. i hope you're going to like this, have a lovely day/night!

mesmerised - neil perry x ocWhere stories live. Discover now