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Class 1-A

Current Wingman: Kirishima, Eijirou

Objective: Get All Might to date Mr. Aizawa and make him happy

Kirishima had asked to go to the bathroom, and now he was roaming the halls as he looked for the retired hero. He arrived at the teacher's lounge and peeked inside. All Might was sitting at his computer, and no one else was to be seen.

How lucky!

Kirishima strolled right in, accidentally slamming the door right open and startling the hero.

"Young Kirishima! What are you doing here?" All Might asked as he turned to face the student. Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly.

"You might know that Mr. Aizawa has been pretty down lately.." Kirishima began. The hero nodded, slowly. "Well.. I got thinking. He's pretty manly.. and you're pretty manly.. so if you two manly guys got together and hung out, like a bunch, then maybe that'd make him happy, y'know?"

"..I understand your concern, but I doubt that." The hero turned back to his computer. "You're the sixth student that has come to me about this. Get back to class, young Kirishima." Kirishima turned back around and headed back to his class. He took his seat and secretly gave Midoriya a thumbs down. Midoriya noticed and passed it on to the others partaking in the operation.

Mission failed, they'll get 'em next time.

Lunch came around, and the operators sat at a table to discuss.

"Half of our group has gone, and nothing's worked yet." Kaminari said. "I think it's time to release our secret weapon." Midoriya looked around, and suddenly everyone was looking at him.

"W-What? Me?" He asked, nervously.

"Well, you are All Might's favorite, after all." Iida said.

"All Might doesn't have f-favorites!" Midoriya retaliated. Everyone continued to stare at him. "..Okay, maybe All Might likes me a little more. I'm sorry."

"Dude, we don't care about that. What matters is the cause we're working for!" Sero said.

"Wait, but I'm not the only one All Might likes. Kacchan's up there, too." Midoriya said.

"Hah?! I'm not here to play your damn games!! I'm here because shitty hair dragged me along!!" Bakugo exclaimed, startling the people sitting next to him.

"Young Midoriya, may I speak with you?" All Might spoke from next to the table. Everyone quickly began to stuff their face with food to hide the fact that they were just talking about something involving the hero.

"Oh, um.." Midoriya looked back at his table and saw a few of them giving him a thumbs up. "Of course!"

All Might took Midoriya into their usual conversation room, then they sat down. It was quiet between the two of them, and Midoriya opened his mouth to speak, but All Might beat him to it.

"I appreciate what you and your group is trying to do for Aizawa. I assume you figured it out, right?" All Might inquired.

"You mean.. his flowers?" Midoriya asked, and All Might nodded.

"What you guys are doing is so kind, but I'm afraid you must stop this. I don't.." All Might took a deep breath. "I don't like him anymore. All this effort is futile." Midoriya's eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry, All Might, we'll stop right away." Midoriya said, standing up and bowing respectfully. All Might simply nodded.

"It's good that you all are trying to cheer up your teacher, but if you're going to this extent then it seems as though I must get involved." All Might stood up. "Thank you, young Midoriya." They disbanded, and Toshinori began his search for Aizawa. He went into the teacher's lounge, his classroom, then arrived to a bathroom. He went inside and heard some one coughing. A single stall was locked, and flowers were spilling from underneath.

Aizawa was behind the door.

Toshinori knocked on the stall, frightening the teacher behind the door.

"Go away." Aizawa choked out. Toshinori's heart hurt.

"Jeez, is this how you treat a friend tryna help you out?" Yamada said as he entered the bathroom. Toshinori turned to face him, unsure of when he entered. "Get out of here, man, you'll only make it worse." Yamada whispered to him. Toshinori nodded and apologized before he turned to leave. Suddenly, the stall door swung open.

"You suck at being quiet, Mic." Aizawa said, holding his scarf in his hand. Toshinori whipped back around. "What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked the lanky man.

Toshinori hesitated when he saw the locket still hanging from Aizawa's neck. It was under his scarf the whole time. He still has it after all this time? He thought. He slowly walked up to the scruffy man, and Aizawa took a few steps back. Toshinori held the locket and took a deep breath. "Aizawa, why do you still have this?"

"I'm-" Aizawa coughed. "I'm asking the questions here." He started spewing flowers. "God damnit.." He mumbled. "Just.. Just go." Yamada hugged Aizawa when he noticed his eyes get watery. Toshinori quickly stepped back, feeling himself tear up.

"I-I'm so sorry." Toshinori said before he left.

He immediately left the premises, feeling too guilty to stay at the school. He was being too irresponsible, but he didn't care. He just wanted a quick solution so he could forget his problems.

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