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It had been four months since they got back together, and Aizawa finally decided to ask the big question. They were snuggling on the couch when he spoke.

"Hey, Yagi, we've been together for quite some time now, so I've been meaning to ask you this.." Aizawa began. "When should I move in?" Toshinori comically coughed up blood. That was something he'd never considered.

"I hadn't really thought about that." Toshinori admitted. Aizawa huffed.

"Well, it's a hassle for me to just show up here and then head home every day. I spend a lot more time here anyway, so what's the damage?" He stated. Toshinori thought for a bit.

"..I guess having you stay here wouldn't be too bad. I'd love that, actually." Toshinori replied. Aizawa hummed with content. "Whenever you're ready." Aizawa propped himself up, seeing as he was laying atop of the taller man, then kissed him. The two of them smiled against each other's lips.

Before they dated, Aizawa only smiled when he saw a cat, but now he was smiling all the time. Just thinking about his boyfriend made him incredibly giddy. Of course, he wouldn't show it to his students or the other teachers, but they knew that Aizawa was a different compared to how he was at the beginning of the school year. He was happy.

Toshinori, on the other hand, was always smiling. He was All Might, and he felt like he had to smile. But, they weren't genuine smiles. When he was with Aizawa, the story was different. He was always so happy, and each smile was a real one, and everyone could see that.

They were happier than ever.

Aizawa went home later that day, arriving to the sight of Yamada eating ice cream straight out of the container in the dark. He was crying, and didn't notice Aizawa enter the house.

"Did I miss something?" Aizawa asked. Yamada looked up at Aizawa and sniffled. "Jeez, why's it so dark in here?" Aizawa felt around to find a light source, then turned it on when he found it. The lamp illuminated the disheveled Yamada; he was in his pajamas, his hair was a mess, and papers were scattered all around him. Aizawa became concerned, then picked up one of the papers to examine it. It was an assignment of some sort with an F written in red ink at the top.

"Am I a bad teacher?" Yamada asked, quietly. The question caught Aizawa off guard.

"Why do you ask?" He responded. Yamada looked down at the tub of ice cream in his hands and sighed before he consumed another spoonful.

"All my students failed the stupid test." He said, sniffling. Aizawa chuckled.

"Yamada, this test is way too hard." Aizawa said. He turned the paper over to examine the back. "Even I couldn't get some of these right."

"Well, you never bothered to learn English." Yamada muttered. Aizawa hummed.

"Look, I may not be good in English, but I know that if all your students bomb a test, then it means that it might've been too difficult. Did you give them the wrong test?" Aizawa spoke. Yamada took a look at one of the papers around him.

"OHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Yamada yelled with his Quirk. Aizawa jumped and covered his ears. The television fell over and half of their windows shattered. The remaining ones cracked. "IT'S THE WROOOOOOOONG TEEEEEEEEESST!!!"

"Mic, didn't you check the test before you handed it out? Or, even while you were grading it?" Aizawa asked. He was almost disappointed.

"I haven't been focused lately, sorry. Not getting much sleep lately." Yamada admitted.

"Why's that?"

"..I have trouble sleeping when there's no one around."

"..Are you telling me that you need me in the house in order to sleep?"

"Yeah, it's comforting knowing that you're safe, y'know? I mean, I know that you're alright by yourself, and you're alright especially with Toshinori, but I can't help it. What if something happens?"

"Hey, I know where you're coming from, but you're not exactly a knight in shining armor."

Yamada chuckled.

"I know."

Aizawa sighed. He was supposed to tell him that he was leaving, but this timing was awful.

"Look.. this is probably the worst time to say it, but I'm gonna move out soon."

"Wait, what? You weren't gonna bother discussing this with me?"

"Sorry, it was a spur in the moment kind of decision. Besides, I didn't know that you needed a teddy bear in order to sleep properly."

"Hey, wait, did I do something wrong?"

"It's not you. I'm moving in with Yagi. It's about time I did, no?"

"..I guess so, yeah. But.."

"Jeez, Yamada, when you act like that, it makes the decision harder for me. Look, I'll think it over."

"No, no, you shouldn't. Just.. tell me next time you make a big decision like this so I can mentally prepare myself."


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