Worlds Collide (and Kinda Forget About Peter (and Ned))

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"Did you pay attention at all in class?" MJ deadpanned, looking across the kitchen counter at Ned.

"Of course I did," Ned argued.

"Then why is everything you're saying wrong?"

Peter sighed, chuckling as he lowered his head. He expected stuff like that to happen when they all decided to do the group project together, but it was a bit funnier when he wasn't directly involved in those little arguments. Anyway, they'd been working for hours, much longer than intended, but they had a due date to meet that weekend and scheduling a time to meet all together was difficult.

Peter's phone buzzed on the table, and he smiled to see Grace's name pop up. He opened the message.

'I'm on my way.'

She sent another. 'So I'll be there in like an hour or two, depending on traffic.'

Peter chuckled at that. She was coming over to drop off a book for him to read. He had to choose one to do an assignment on for his English class, so of course he turned to Grace to help him pick one out, and she was letting him borrow her copy. Bringing it over, though, was partly an excuse to see him. They were both so busy with school.

'You're telling me you're on your way right now?' Peter asked.

'Yes,' she replied.

He was already chuckling at his own joke. 'Then stop texting me. You not supposed to text and drive.' He then added, 'I know you're new to this, but come on.'

She sent the emoji that was rolling its eyes. 'I'm not driving YET. And I won't ever get to if you don't stop texting me your little jokes.'


She didn't respond to that one, so Peter, laughing quietly, put his phone back down. MJ looked at him with a brow raised. "Something more interesting that this project, Peter?"

Peter shrugged. "I mean, yeah."

"Fair," MJ said, "but Ned and I are not doing this by ourselves."


"He was totally texting Grace," Ned butt in, typing something on his laptop. "He had that look on his face."

"What look?" Peter asked, brows furrowing.

MJ nodded. "The longing, dreamy one."

"That's the one," Ned replied, then flashing a short, sympathetic look at Peter. Ever since the Blip, things had been weird in their relationship. For then, they acted just like friends. Best friends. They hadn't kissed since he came back, but they weren't giving up on it. Just waiting until it wasn't so weird.

He sighed and got to the task at hand, helping his friends complete the project, though it certainly wasn't done by the time Grace got there.

She knocked on the door, and May, who was in the living room about to order a pizza, went to go get it. Peter couldn't see Grace at first, but he heard her say, "May!" warmly. He smiled at that, and then his smile grew when she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," she said, looking at him with a smile of her own, but glancing at his guests. Ned waved at her, also smiling, and she returned both greetings. MJ didn't look up, her face leaned close to the computer as she read something. Grace looked back at Peter. "I didn't realize you were gonna have company."

"Yeah, we're working on that project," Peter replied.

"Still?" Grace said in surprise, walking over and setting the book down on the table next to Peter.

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