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I thought it might be cool to include the outline for the book so you can kinda see what in the world I was thinking as I was writing it. It doesn't exactly match the finished book as I made some changes as I was writing it, but I think that makes it all the more interesting. I also added some notes/commentary in brackets throughout the outline.

Saving Grace Outline

[I wrote this whole thing on my notes app in one sitting (with one break if I remember correctly) based on Tony and Peter's (and a bit of Nat's and Pepper's I think) fandom Wiki pages. I had not seen some of the early movies in the MCU yet, including Iron Man 1 and 2. Each bullet point is meant to be one chapter and the check marks are just how I marked the chapters I finished as I wrote.]

(Tony would be 32 when he had her for her to be 15 in 2018)

(Birthday in early November)

(electric blue eyes (mother's eyes), dark brown hair (bangs in Avengers, like Pepper's), smile like Tony's, raised brow like Tony's, looks younger than she is, [A list of Grace's physical descriptions that I'd written so I'd remember and could use them throughout the book.]

(Peter's schedule in Homecoming — Chemistry (Ned), Physics, History (Ned), Shop (Ned), Lunch, English, Gym (Ned), Math) [I don't know if Marvel had planned a schedule for him, or if they just put him in random classes in different scenes, but it certainly felt like the latter. I had to make this based on the random classes that I had put him in and also Marvel's to make things happen at the right time in the right place.]

Peter is a year and three months older than her (August 10th) [I miscalculated Grace's age to begin with thinking Peter was a year younger than he was (and trying to get them to be the same age) and Marvel's timeline is so messed up that nothing makes sense. It kind of works though seeing as Peter blips and Grace doesn't so the age gap after that won't be as big. Yay.]

Harley sometimes calls her Primrose

- Grace is 7 during Iron Man ✅
• Tony introducing her to Pepper ✅ [pretty sure I wrote that chapter and the first one (which isn't listed on here for some reason??) before writing the outline]
• later he goes to say goodbye to Grace because he has to leave for Afghanistan, but she says she wants to go with him, agrees that she can go with him as far as the tarmac, Rhodey is there, he says hi to Grace and she's excited to see him, Tony says goodbye to Grace and she gets in the car with Happy, Rhodey tells him he's being irresponsible and he needs to be careful especially because of Grace ✅
• After and during the blast, all he thought about was Grace, meanwhile Grace was sick with worry when Tony didn't come back, Pepper and Happy tried to do what they could for her, but she was inconsolable, this leads to Pepper holding her and she has the idea to have Jarvis pay recordings of Tony's voice to calm her down, it works ✅
• Tony talking to Yinsen, "You still haven't told me where you're from." "I'm from a small town called . It's actually a nice place." "Got a family?" "Yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you Stark?" "A daughter, though I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new dad." "Why?" "I feel like I've failed her, especially as of late. I'm not the father I promised myself I'd be for her. And now I'm not with her. I'm not there for her. And I wasn't went I could've been." "The fact that you care for her like that says everything. And when you get out of here, you'll have a second chance. Don't waste it." [I don't even think I watched a clip of this when writing the scene. The dialogue was on Tony's wiki and I just wanted to include it], he reminds Tony again as he dies not to waste his chance or his life, Tony says he won't, Yinsen asks what his daughter's name is, Tony tells him Grace, "That's... That's fitting..." ✅
• Pepper wakes Grace and tells her Rhodey has found Tony and they're going to the airport to meet him, reunion between Tony and Grace when he gets back, Tony first sees her holding onto Pepper's hand, Grace gets in the car with Tony, Happy, and Pepper, Happy is trying to get him to go the hospital, but Tony wants a cheeseburger, "You want a cheeseburger, Grace?" "Yeah." "See, she wants a cheeseburger, you can't argue with that adorable face, can you?" ✅ [I wrote a lot of dialogue in advance on the outline when I got ideas]
• months of pancake breakfasts and new toys later, Tony goes out to the charity event and dances with Pepper, when they joke he could fire her, he says Grace likes her too much for him to do that, they argue, and when they almost kiss, Tony stops himself as he wants to talk to Grace before he pursues anything serious with someone ✅
• Tony has Pepper help him hack into the computer and tells Happy to take Grace to a safe house just as a precaution, they say goodbye to each other, Happy gave her cheeseburgers and played with her and they watched movies, then she was finally able to go back, Tony explains to her that he's Iron Man ✅
(7) [I kept a count of how many chapters each movie was]
{4,735} [I also added up how many words each movie was Bc I was curious]

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